Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Father's Day

To everyone that is a father, PYY wishes you a Happy Father's Day. If you have a father (or grandfather), buy them lunch or dinner, take them a gift or a card, or just give them a call. It'll mean a lot to them.

I have two children, one stepson (red-headed, too), a pseudo-son (one whose dad has nothing to do with him, so I have been in that role for him), and a bouncing one-year-old grandson. For me, fatherhood has been one of the greatest gifts from God; and even with all of the pains and heartaches that come with it, it has been well worth it.

So once again, to all fathers I say, have a great day.


VARepublicMan said...

While I respect a person who chooses to remain childless, I don't really believe that a life is complete without going through the tough work of raising a child. There are some things that are much tougher to learn outside of the child rearing environment.

LA Sunset said...

It's not for everybody. I have as much respect for those that recognize that it is not for them, as I do those that choose it and excel at it.