Friday, May 08, 2009

Friday Funnies

Haven't done a Friday Funnies in a long time. Here is one of the all time greats, doing what he does best:

There are many good ones who practice that trade, but they don't come any better.


Z said...

REALLY good, LA, thanks!
I think the farther back they go, the funnier they get, too....I long for the old days when we could watch these great guys on TV...and not have terror in the homeland on our minds. Sorry, but it seems like everything's different now.
OH, for the days of Carol Burnett and Tim Conway, Ed Sullivan, ...heck, I'd settle for an old King Family Special! (Well, not QUITE...!) It was so safe, we never worried.

Thanks..I needed the laugh! (obviously!) xx

Anonymous said...

Mr. Little is clearly one of the very best. Imagine … adult humor and genuine laughter without the use of obscenities. Thanks for putting this up, LA. Great fun.