Take the well-known progressive hack, Markos Moulitsas, for instance. You know him as Kos, from the leftist blog called The Daily Kos. Here's the kind of things he likes to say about people, who merely disagree with his politics:
I mean, this is what the people voted for. And it's one thing to oppose it on policy. It's another thing to use the kind of exterminationist, eliminationist rhetoric that they are using in appealing to violence and that sort of thing.
You can read the article that uses this as a lead-in, it is a piece that provides some retrospection of historical events that have led us to the point we are at, today.
If you want something to seriously chew on, I recommend you read the article and then just let it digest for awhile. As you think about the things said in it, I propose that you begin to wonder why the left is so fearful of people who can articulate their platforms, and why they are their platforms.
I think it is because people like Moulitsas are not able to argue the merits of their stances, without demonizing those who only are offering what they honestly believe to be valid criticism, of the progressive doctrine. Rule #5 of Alinsky's strategic model is based on the use of ridicule and one that is used often, when facing opposition to the actions of those who were foolishly chosen to lead.
But more than anything, see if you really think this article is full hatred. See if you cam find any talk of extermination and elimination of anyone.
I don't see it. All I see is an honest attempt to express what many see as a truth. That's all.
It is true that many are angry right now. But since when did anger ever equate to hatred or rage? How did it become synonymous with racism? These are different entities altogether
No folks, they clamor that the Tea Party is nothing more than a bunch of angry, raging, and even vengeful whackos --- who are bent on an armed revolution and condone the use of violence as a means of advancing a political agenda. But in reality, we are just mad at what we perceive to be an out of control government who have no accountability to their actions. And the left hates us for it.
In this case, the anger is healthy. There is even a verse in the Bible that exhorts its readers to Be ye angry and sin not.
Healthy anger can result in positive action and that's what these people are doing, trying to work toward more productive solutions to real problems that we will all soon be facing.... especially when this latest round of bills come due. It's about keeping freedom alive so that our children and grandchildren can have the same opportunities afforded to us. And it's about promoting responsibility, so they will never need to rely on anyone else, but themselves and their closest friends and family within their chosen support system.
Don't let the Left fool you, this is all it is and it is nothing else.
Markos Moulitsas -- George Soros.
Markos Moulitsas -- George Soros.
Markos Moulitsas -- George Soros.
Wonder if they could be related.
The left has nothing so they attack.
One thing I wonder while reading this is what will be the reaction if the Republicans retake Congress next year.
Everyone on the left from Kos to Obama has said that what they are doing is justified because they won. They are doing what the public wants. They have a mandate.
Will the same be true of the Republicans in November?
Sunset, you may have encapsulated our entire (social) dysfunction with this observation: And it's about promoting responsibility, so they will never need to rely on anyone else, but themselves and their closest friends and family ...
Families began to fall apart when government replaced our families as the 'turn to' source. When government decided that it is a better parent and real parents gave up because they didn't want to be arrested for spanking their errant children. When government decided that schools were an appropriate surrogate for instilling important values. And this is the leftist thinking.
I suspect we have already gone 'too far' down this road; turning back may be too late.
Semper Fi
//Wonder if they could be related.//
Soros is Hungrarian and Kos is Greek. But come to think of it, both are idiots. So you may be right...after all.
//Will the same be true of the Republicans in November?//
Somehow, I rather doubt it. Get ready to hear how the GOP somehow stole the election.
//Families began to fall apart when government replaced our families as the 'turn to' source. //
Public schools?
But in all fairness, the schools would have no authority over the kids if the pathetic parents would have done their job to begin with. Because of this, the public schools have slowly usurped parental authority of those who have taken their duties as parents, seriously. It exemplifies the old adage "give them an inch and they'll take a mile", rather well.
I make it a point never to read the viral garbage that Markos Moulitsas puts out. I guess it's the "garbage in, garbage out" theory or my mother telling me if you read garbage that is what your mind will become. The only time I perused the Daily KOS, I thought my eye balls would burn out of their sockets with all that vicious bile, especially the morons who comment there. I just avoid it like the plague.
Your post and points are very well done and made Sunsett.
//I make it a point never to read the viral garbage that Markos Moulitsas puts out.//
Neither do I/ But this particular point made the O'Reilly show and I just couldn't let it go. He really is an idiot of the nth degree.
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