Sunday, May 22, 2005

Hezbollah In America?

A Daily Briefing on Iran has linked to a piece from the Washington Times about Hezbollah cells existing right here in the US. Click on the link to read it at Regime Change Iran.

People, this isn't a joke. It isn't political rhetoric solely for the sake of winning an election. It is real and it should concern all of us, even the bleeding hearts.

Another thing you should keep in mind is, somewhere in the Middle East right now is a group of jihadists learning to read and write Spanish, in Mexican dialects. They will learn all about Mexican culture, such as how to act and dress, for the eventual infiltration of Mexico in order to slip through the border as an illegal immigrant looking for work.

Who knows? It may already have happened. So to those that are calling what the Minutemen were doing horrific, think about that one.

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