Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Click on the title for another piece from the Q and O Blog, posted by McQ.

Many people are beginning to sympathize with the pro-labor forces that have called for Wal-Mart to increase their wages. These are they that want to dictate how a company should run their business. Keep in mind that Wal-Mart is paying what the market can bear, they seem to have plenty of workers that are willing to work for the wages that Wal-Mart offers. But these self-proclaimed do-gooders fail to realize a lot of things about how a business operates. Read the article for more.

1 comment:

HDRKID said...

I hate Walmart. All they do is buy cheap crap made in Red China, a communist country and dump it here.

Stuff made using slave labor and they pay US workers the bare min.

This company is pure evil. They destroy small towns and small biz.

Long live MADE IN USA. Down with slave labor!