Saturday, December 10, 2005

EU vs. US (An Economic Comparison)

Ironman at Political Calculations has posted some numbers with a brief, yet concise, analysis.

The EU nations have almost 88 million more people than we do, yet we still outproduce them. What it all boils down to is, almost the entire European continent does not produce what we do. One can only wonder how much more they could produce, if they did not have such an affinity for socialism.

Take a moment and and at least glance at it, if you don't believe it.


G_in_AL said...

This is heresy! The EU is the only way the world can come together, create a one world government, combine our currency, roll up all our cultural differences and religious intolerances, completely disarm sovereign nations, and finally have world peace...

wait a minute... that sounds like something else...............

LA Sunset said...

No. You were doing good. Please continue.

LA Sunset said...

All of Europe does, I think this figure represents just the EU nations.

LA Sunset said...

"Why do the Europeans have a 15 billion monthly trade surplus with us if we are producing so much?"

We are able to pay the high prices they charge for their products. We are one of the few countries that can afford them.

We are the richest nation on earth. We consume more. Europeans are not as wasteful and they are content to get by with less.