Saturday, December 03, 2005

LA Governor Okays Postponing New Orleans Elections

From the AP comes this story.

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) -- Gov. Kathleen Blanco agreed Friday to postpone New Orleans' Feb. 4 elections for mayor and City Council for up to eight months because of the damage and dislocation caused by Hurricane Katrina.

(Emphasis in green is mine)


Because they need to get their Democratic "the world owes us a living" electorate back, so they can vote to keep them in power.

Never mind that the whole bunch failed its citizenry miserably and managed to deflect responsibility onto everyone else, but themselves. Never mind those buses sat in a parking lot and could have been used to evacuate, if only the Mayor would have commanded it, to be so.

But the more I think about it, an extra few months won't make that big of a difference. This bunch will be out, anyway and they will be replaced by an equally incompetent bunch of leaders that will screw other things up, for other reasons. They will extort their bribes and peddle their influence, just like all past New Orleans governments have.

Solomon once said, "There is no new thing under the sun". I am inclined to believe that, in this case.

1 comment:

Always On Watch said...

This bunch will be out, anyway and they will be replaced by an equally incompetent bunch of leaders that will screw other things up, for other reasons.

Louisiana politics is corrupt beyond description and has been so for many decades. Worse in the last 20 years, though, from what I've heard.

Glad I don't live in Louisiana.