Sunday, May 04, 2008

Commencement Speeches We Need To Hear

Those who have read this blog for any period of time, know that every year at this time, I publish a link to Neal Boortz's famous commencement speech that no one will ever hear. If you haven't read it, you can read it here.

Graduation time is now upon us, a whole new crop of grads are about to face the real world. And although the Boortz speech is not new, it is still applicable to today's graduation ceremonies.

But this year, we have a newer and more up-to-date commencement speech, that we all need to hear.

From the LAT comes a new speech written by PJ O'Rourke that needs to be delivered, but in all likelihood won't. If you found the Boortz speech to be accurate and enlightening, you'll love this one too. Give it a read.


Anonymous said...

Love both of those proposed commencement speeches. I wish I had received such a good commencement speech. I don't remember who spoke at my college commencement. The law school commencement was given by Bill Richardson, who gave the opposite of the Boortz speech.

Anyway, at least for me, it is true that once you enter the real world, it's hard to be a liberal anymore. I used to be somewhere to the left of Trotsky, and I have the embarrassing evidence to prove it. [I'll never be President....]

LA Sunset said...

//The law school commencement was given by Bill Richardson, who gave the opposite of the Boortz speech.//

One can only imagine how utterly ridiculous this speech sounded.