Thursday, May 15, 2008

Edwards Endorses Obama

In a move that was anything but surprising, John Edwards has made his endorsement of Barack Obama official. From a campaign standpoint the move was brilliant, doing it right at the time the networks evening newscasts were live. Publicity for no charge was only one benefit of the timing. The real advantage here was taking Hillary's big West Virginia win out of the newscasts.

From the article:

The endorsement came a day after Clinton defeated Obama by more than 2-to-1 in the West Virginia primary. The loss highlighted Obama's challenge in winning over the "Hillary Democrats" - white, working-class voters who also supported Edwards in significant numbers before he exited the race in late January.

So, let's see if we can understand this. The implication is that having Edwards on board will help Obama with a coveted demographic which he is having some major trouble connecting with, the working class voters.

I ask you, how many working class voters can identify with $200 haircuts? How about his home? Or better yet, which steel worker will say that his $1.25 million income, helps him feel their pain as taxes and prices go up?

Two Americas? You bet. There are the people like John Edwards, then there are the others.


Greg said...

I never watch the O'Reilly Factor, but I did happen upon it last night while Dennis Miller was on. He was a riot: "John Edwards is a foot wide and a foot deep." "An endorsement from John Edwards is akin to an endorsement from Ryan Seacrest." "Edwards is just a vehicle for an expensive haircut."

Anyway, don't say this isn't significant, LAS. Now we know who the VP candidate will be....

Anonymous said...

John Edwards' America, and everyone else. I don't begrudge him his wealth, but I would appreciate it if he wasn't so damn hypocritical about it.

But I suppose Obama has this whole election whipped now. What, with the endorsements of Edwards and Hamas, how can he lose?

LA Sunset said...

//...Dennis Miller was on. He was a riot//

His radio show is on here locally on my drive home from work, via tape delay. It's a long drive in traffic so I get a fair dose of DM. (If I get off a little late, I get the taped show from Boortz, who shares a lot of my views. Miller is off and he comes on at 6PM.)

On some things DM is spot on, on other things I disagree with him. But I respect his opinions because he respects those that disagree with him.

As a comedian, he is top-notch and I miss his HBO show greatly. (And I actually was one of the 27 people in the country that even liked him on MNF.)

LA Sunset said...

//But I suppose Obama has this whole election whipped now. What, with the endorsements of Edwards and Hamas, how can he lose?//

You forgot Ahmadinejad, Chavez, and Hezbollah. Maybe they haven't announced yet, but I expect them to declare any day now.

Mark said...

The buzz is that Edwards will bring "white, working-class voters" to the Obama camp. A demographic Obama has not being doing well with (unlike Monica Lewinski's ex-boyfriend's wife). I'm not buying into that fantasy. Edwards is a creature of the hard far left extremist liberal end of the democrat party, just like Barak Hussein Obama. Getting the same nutroots worked up into a frenzy isn't going to add to the number of votes Obama is going to need in the general election.

There is an interesting pattern in democrat Presidential politics. Barak Obama is a lawyer, married to a lawyer. Hillary Rodham Clinton is a lawyer married to a lawyer. Now lawyer John Edwards, who is married to a lawyer, is sniffing for a VP spot.

LA Sunset said...

//There is an interesting pattern in democrat Presidential politics. Barak Obama is a lawyer, married to a lawyer. Hillary Rodham Clinton is a lawyer married to a lawyer. Now lawyer John Edwards, who is married to a lawyer, is sniffing for a VP spot.//

Which is why the largest demographic contributing to Obama's campaign is... well, you can guess it...lawyers.