Saturday, December 31, 2005

Is There Something Rotten In Denmark?

From the IHT comes this article about the backlash from some recent Danish cartoons (one depicting Muhammed with a bomb in his turban) which is a backlash to the recent rise of Muslim initiated culture clashes, within that country.

Of course it's okay for Muslims in host countries (countries that have opened their doors to them and allowed them a chance at a better life than the one they came from) to criticize and even demonize that country and the overall culture of the West, in general. But let's be sure we do not do anything, in anyway, to offend Muslims and their way of life, or their belief system.

This is a good article. It shows just one more time that Islam and the West have a very difficult time assimilating. If westerners go to a Muslim country, no one is allowed to criticize Islam, they must respect the local customs, or risk facing extremely harsh punishment. But if Muslims come to Western countries, they are given much more freedom to criticize anything they wish. And, they do.

They have an inordinate amount of freedom to bash Christianity, western culture, and anything else they find to their distaste, pretty much without fear of retribution. Yet, the moment someone of Western culture criticizes Islam, they cry foul and try to silence the critics. It's like someone coming into your house and telling you what you can and cannot do.

One of two things is going to happen real soon, in Europe. This is either going to lead to a sharp rise in far-right wing nationalism or it will result in Muslims controlling the media and subsequently the governments, by their manipulations and threats of jihad.

When one hate group incites another, the reaction is often more harsh than the first. The pendulum swings back hard. So my bet will be, Europe will someday get sick of Muslims coming into their secular societies, spewing hate, and making threats. But how far they go in their reactions will depend upon how long they let it go on, without some attempt at correcting this now. The longer it goes on untouched, the sicker and madder Europeans will get. Then, that will play right back into the hands of the neo-fascist right wing parties, of the continent.

And given Europe's history, I am not so sure that's a good thing, either.


Always On Watch said...

You might want to have a look at this. It's appropo to this blog article, I think.

Happy New Year, LA! I'm hoping for a 2006 better than my wretched 2005.

al fin said...

Here is the thing: muslims in europe are procreating very fast, at taxpayers expense. Europeans are paying the muslims to displace them. Europeans don't have any fight left in them. The rest of us don't have time to watch them dig their own graves, not if we plan to avoid their fate.

LA Sunset said...

Thanks AOW. I read it, and as the younger generation says, Jason rocks. Again.


I can't figure out for the life of me, why the Europeans are so passive, after centuries of warfare between themselves. But when an outside threat comes in, they seem unable to respond.

If they do not respond now, if and when they do, it will need to be with so much force, they will not be able to sustain.

Thanks for visiting, Al. Feel free to return and comment, anytime.

LA Sunset said...

Thank you Hans. I did look at them. It would be interesting to see what Arab cartoons look like, and if they offend non-Muslims.