Sunday, June 17, 2007

Another Blast From The Past

Sorry I am a little late with this one. Usually, I try to get these up earlier in the weekend, but I wanted the right timing on this one.

Mrs. Sunsett has been out of town for over a week now and will be home soon, after a whirlwind tour of the south. This coming week also marks her birthday. So as a long distance dedication (if she even sees the blog) from Sunsett's Coast-to-Coast, this week's musical post will be part of my present to her.

Her very favorite artist in the entire world is Rod Stewart. I liked him most, when he first came out of obscurity in the early 70s. He was a hard rocker with a sentimental edge to him, which gave him his broad-based appeal. Both men and women were attracted to his gritty vocals. But, I think most would agree that his appeal today is mostly with women.

So it makes perfect sense that Mrs. Sunsett, being a woman, stills likes him.

A lot.

Here is the song that catapulted one of the most successful artists in the rock genre, into super stardom, Maggie May:

At that time, people also got hooked on Side B of Maggie May. In this video, the sound is remarkably decent compared to other cheap cell phone recordings. But the video is not. Here's side B, Reason To Believe:

While many 70s artists were fading away, Hot Rod was not going to let the times pass him by. Here is a hit from the early 80s, which sealed his transition into a new decade and the new wave era. Here is Young Turks:

Now that I have been selfish and posted three of my favorite Rod Stewart songs, I probably should play one that she likes. This one is a bit mushy and if you are not given to that kind of thing, here's your chance to bail out now. Here's You're In My Heart:


(Happy Birthday Schnookems)


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