Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New McCain Ad Shows How To Waste Resources

Here is the latest John McCain ad:

It's a well-made ad, but whoever is in charge of Sen. McCain's ad campaign needs to be fired for wasting campaign money. If we are going to rely on polls (and most politicians do), most of them show that only around 4% of the electorate consider global warming a major issue. The general issues that will be most important in November will be:

1. Economy

Sadly, most Americans are under the delusion that the President has the power to create jobs and regulate the economy. The only jobs that anyone in government can create are government jobs. And unless people want to revive the failed Soviet system of central planning, he doesn't have the power nor the authority to directly have any kind of impact in this area.

2. National Security

This includes Iraq, Afghanistan, and all other security issues that deal with Islamic extremism. Fragile is the word I would be most inclined to use, when touting the successes of the past few months. So, he must handle it with care. But he must handle it specifically and firmly. He has a clear edge over Obama in this area, this is what I would be concentrating on.

3. Energy

He has painted a stark picture of the differences between him and Obama on this issue. He must not let the windfall tax issue rest and should explain how horribly misguided Obama is in this area. He must continue to press for drilling anywhere there are deposits, advocate for the use of oil shale, and must camping for alternative sources.

There are many more issues, where McCain can smoke Obama in the public debate. This precisely is why Obama is afraid to accompany him on a townhall meeting tour. When the time for debates do come around, I look for Obama to have well-crafted and polished answers that will embrace emotions, but will be far short in the specific meaning and purpose department.

Wasting money trying to convince the Al Gore Church of Meteorology to vote for McCain is an enormous waste of time, money, and other resources. Bro. Al has already endorsed Obama and it is likely his sycophants will do it so also, in November. Plus, there is little doubt that Barry O. will have more money in the coffers for his empty "hope" and "change" ads, so it is very important to not pull a Hillary and blow money needlessly. But, this is precisely what McCain's campaign has just done. The only difference is, they didn't get to eat Dunkin Donuts.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you LA . . . but the fact is every group wants to feel their opinion/concern is worthy of a candidate’s consideration. The ad is directed at moderate/conservationist voters so that they know (1) McCain does care about this issue, and (2) Unlike Osama, he has a viable energy policy. You have to admit, though, it is nothing like the waste of money Osama (and company) spent on the Baby Alex advertisement, or the one where people are saying, “I’m voting Republican because I don’t care about women’s rights,” and other such nonsense. As O’Reilly said, they look more like something you would expect to see on Saturday Night Live.

Meanwhile, AC tells us that Osama’s intended National Security Advisor thinks we need a “Winnie the Pooh” approach to foreign policy. Yep, this is already an amazing election year.

Semper Fi

LA Sunset said...

//Unlike Osama, he has a viable energy policy. You have to admit, though, it is nothing like the waste of money Osama (and company) spent on the Baby Alex advertisement,//

I saw that one too. Young moms can think they have that kind of authority over a son, when they are but babies. But when that boy is eighteen and has a mind of his own, they'll do what they want anyway.

That said, Move On is really a pathetic organization and the ad only shows how utterly desperate they are. I suspect they know they are not assured a victory in November, so they must start showing this kind of garbage early, and often.

Greg said...

Winnie the Pooh. You can't make this shit up. Our future Nat'l Security Advisor looks to Winnie the Pooh for guidance.

As for McCain's ad, I disagree it's a waste. McCain is smart in trying to peel away rational Democrats from the Obama camp. It's crucial to his winning in November. He isn't going to alienate anyone with that type of ad, but he may pick up some people he needs to pick up. As is usually the case, the candidate who best occupies the middle of the political spectrum will win. BHO is trying to do the same thing by (1) throwing all his radical friends under the bus and (2) talking about giving the middle class all kinds of free stuff paid for by OPM.

A.C. McCloud said...

Maybe they can rename the White House the "House at Pooh Corner"