Wednesday, April 29, 2009

100 Days

It is believed by many that Obama wants the press conference so he can control the news cycle at the 100 day mark, when media outlets do their usual grading of a new President's performance. Naturally, he doesn't want to leave it to chance and especially will not want the top-rated Fox News punditry to prevail in the debate.

He doesn't want it known that in a little more than three months' time, this is just some of what he has accomplished:

Presided over the largest expansion of federal government in history.

Racked up well over a trillion dollars of debt, making sure that your children and grandchildren get their start in life, in the hole.

Cozied up to Latin American dictators, who have a history of demonizing the US and capitalism. Shook hands and beamed bright smiles at Hugo Chavez in the process.

Bowed and kissed the ring of the Saudi monarch.

Thoroughly embarrassed the US in Britain and France.

Appointed one of the most corrupt and unethical cabinets in US history. Gave us Tim Geithner, a tax cheat, to run the Treasury Department. Gave us Janet Napolitano, clueless, inept, and incompetent to to run Homeland Security.

With all of these accomplishments, no wonder he wants to control the news cycle.

Congratulations to the entire Obama team for putting us on the road to failure in record time.


Darth Rob said...

Fascism here we come!

Chuck said...

He's been nothing if not busy

Greg said...

You forgot to mention his first act as Prez: granting a reprieve to admitted mass murderers at GITMO; suspending their trials and delaying justice for 9/11 victims; taking the absurd position that the Marines now have to act like police when they go to war; applying civilian justice to war criminals, virtually guaranteeing that people like KSM will be set free; telling the enemy in exact detail the worst thing that will happen to them when they are in our custody; humiliating the men and women at the CIA who work hard and risk their lives to keep us safe. I could go on.

After 100 days, it's clear to me: 0bama doesn't just suck, he's the least patriotic President in US history. He's breathtakingly incompetent. I actually think he's a traitor.

And I'm not alone, apparently. I read yesterday that in the past 40 yrs, only one President has been less popular than 0bama after 100 days. Nixon, Carter and W were all more popular after 100 days.

The worst part is that after Specter's jump to the Dems, 0bama has completely unchecked, fillibuster-proof power. Scary.

Anonymous said...

I think it is important for all of Sunset’s commenters to refrain, as much as possible, from exaggerating the facts surrounding contemporary issues. Before citing my example, let me point out that Mother Earth is already pissed off at Sunset for dragging Al Gore’s name through the muck. Let us not compound our collective problems by willful embellishment of the facts. I take exception to Greg’s suggestion that Benedict Specter leaped to the Democratic Party. It was more of a baby step to the left. Our only rational conclusion is that irrespective of party affiliation, Benedict likes people to kiss his ass. This should not bother us … it is part of our political tradition.

And now, let us perpetuate this spirit of complete honesty by acknowledging that had Kathleen Sebelius assumed the mantle of HHS Secretary 99 days ago, we would not have to contend with the H1N1 virus today. We should also be forthright enough to admit there is no basis for the rumor that Barack Øbama brought the virus back with him from Mexico.

As to the rest of the Øbama campaign to create a better America in under 100 days (by dismantling the entire country’s socio-political tradition), history will no doubt look favorably upon this chronological summary.

My concern is that unless Sunset changes the tenor of this blog, aided and abetted by his many loyal commenters, we may one day hear a booming voice resounding from the heavens saying, “Enter in thou good and faithful servant – no, not you Sunset, you sarcastic bastard.”

LA Sunset said...

//You forgot to mention his first act as Prez: granting a reprieve to admitted mass murderers at GITMO//

Dammit. I hate when that happens.

LA Sunset said...

//“Enter in thou good and faithful servant – no, not you Sunset, you sarcastic bastard.”//

You forgot to add:

"And take this guy Mustang with you -- he loves to embellish a little too much for the streets of gold and marble white temples."

LA Sunset said...

//He's been nothing if not busy//

As a proletariat bee.

LA Sunset said...

//Fascism here we come!//

I think we are there, it just hasn't reared its ugly head in its entirety yet.