Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Afghan Women's Magazine Editor Is Arrested

Click on the title for the complete AP story.

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- The editor of an Afghan women's rights magazine was jailed after a presidential adviser accused him of publishing un-Islamic material - including an article critical of the practice of punishing adultery with 100 lashes, officials said Friday.

Minority Shiite Muslim clerics in Kabul objected to that article and another in the monthly Haqooq-i-Zan - or Women's Rights -that argued that giving up Islam was not a crime, Police arrested the magazine's editor, Ali Mohaqiq Nasab, on Saturday.

So, let's see a show of hands of all of those that still believe that mainstream Islam is not by its very nature, oppressive.


Anonymous said...

Related story, this morning I was listening to NPR and an Iranian-American college professor from Berkley CA told of how she went to Afghanistan pre-2001 to develop cottage industries for Afghani clothing, which she hoped to find a market for in the USA. Now we all know about UC Berkley, right? Liberals standing up for the rights of (fill in the blank).

This professor recruited Afghan women to hand weave clothing for export to the United States. Now here's the kicker. . . she paid them $5.00 a day (which admittedly is about twice their normal expected wage).

Ahem. Okay, capitalism is good. But what about the liberal issue of Americans supporting sweat shops in Asia? Or is this only an issue when conservative business people are involved . . .? And was NPR outraged? Duh, no.

LA Sunset said...


This does not surprise me one bit.

What would be interesting to know, is how many garments were made in one day by each worker and what did those garments sell for in the U.S.?