Wednesday, October 26, 2005

USA Today Busted For Doctoring Photo Of Condi

It goes on more than many people think, most of it is very subtle. But in this case, Michelle Malkin pops the liberal national daily for it.

Check it out.


Leslie Bates said...

Yikes! They made her look like a G'ould from STARGATE SG-1.

G_in_AL said...

Thats what they are Leslie... I read it on (Moonbat edition). There I was, with my tinfoil hat on... watching reruns of the X-Files (I like to call it "research"), and low and behold, my "Emergency Alert" messanger (RSS feed from Area 51) told me that the greedy Chimpublicans are just trying to take us all over for their alien hosts....

That is why they went to war in Iraq, to make more bodies for the aliens... and for oil (because the aliens drink it!).

G_in_AL said...


Leslie Bates said...

I don't see what the problem is, I get along quite nicely with my alien symbiont.