Sunday, January 08, 2006

Dems Charge GOP With Corrupting Congress

The complete AP article is located here.

Democrats accused Republican congressional leaders of corrupting the government, claiming on Saturday that their party has higher ethical standards.

"Under Republican guidance, America has truly been put up for sale to the highest bidder," Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., said in her party's weekly radio address.

If you find the AP an unbiased source of news and information, you will no doubt have no trouble blocking the Dan Rostenkowski and Jim Wright affairs, from your selective memory.

In some ways it's funny and and in some ways it's insulting.

Funny in the sense that the Dems really expect us to take them seriously, when they make charges like this. They have had a long history of expecting free-thinking, intelligent people, to buy into the (weak and faulty) notion that only the GOP is capable of ruining the Congress, because they are in power. And now, they seriously expect us to believe that only Republicans are capable being corrupt.

It's insulting in the sense that they really believe some of us are that gullible and naive. But then again what do you expect from a party that has Howard Dean, as its national chairman, expecting us to take him seriously? No doubt, most all (that care) have seen the list that Abramoff gave money to, by now. A large number of Dems were on that list.

One thing that is conspicuously missing from this short article, is a GOP rebuttal. But none of you are really surprised, are you?

1 comment:

Always On Watch said...

This thought popped into my mind: "The pot calling the kettle black."