Friday, July 20, 2007

Shay Shouts At Capitol Officer

Here is the scoop, per the Politico.

On Thursday afternoon, Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) got into a loud, angry dispute with a U.S. Capitol Police officer at the security checkpoint inside the entrance of the West Side of the Capitol. On Friday, Shays, a veteran lawmaker, offered a public apology for the incident, and said that he wants to meet with the officer personally to reiterate how sorry he is.

Shays reportedly grabbed the officer during the dispute over whether the officer should allow a group of tourists to enter the building, said several sources. Tourists are not allowed to use the West Front entrance, but Shays was trying to bring the group through that entrance anyway. The officer refused to allow them to come inside, and Shays then "yelled and screamed" at the officer, including using profanity, the sources said. It is unclear whether Shays actually touched the officer.

Despite what some may think, PYY does hold everyone's feet to the fire, when they screw up. (It's what we're here for.)

At a time when we have an investigation looking into whether or not Iraqis are being smuggled into the U.S., it seems that people would have a better understanding of what it means to lead by example. People cannot take security personally, it has to happen, in order to ensure people are safe. And when we look to the government for leadership, I cannot help but think of the most important principle it takes to become an good leader: A willingness to lead by example.

It isn't there in any feasible number, on either of the aisle.

If someone is going to make their case for the need for a border and support measures that make for effective national security, they need to be willing to set the kind of example that inspires people to buy into what needs to be done. By making this kind of a scene, Shays has negated any future arguments he could make, for the causes that are really important in today's dangerous world.


Anonymous said...

LA, off topic, but I recall you had an indirect post on one of the following two books, and I think you'd be interested in the other, too.

The books are Al Gore's The Assault on Reason, and Walter Laqueur's The Last Days of Europe. And the purpose of this comment is to bring to your attention an informed review of these two books. It's a good read.

Why political thought is imprisoned in the present
Two important new books offer striking insights into the suspicion of the public and fear of the future that underpins contemporary political analysis.
by Frank Furedi

LA Sunset said...

Hi Anonim,

Many thanks for this link. This is a very good piece that deserves a critique in its own post, which is in the works as I type this (with credit to you for finding it, of course).

Good find, sir.