Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The Global Warming Regiment: Muster Formation. All Hands On Deck.

Global warming zealots have had little to complain about the past few weeks. Here where I sit, temps have been colder than usual with snow and ice mixed in for good measure. When that happens, they tend to get quiet (and it has been).

But today, as I type this, the temperature is a balmy 58 degrees with rain coming down; and I cannot help but wonder aloud what the scene looks like, somewhere, in in some of the offices of Rev. Gore's "First Mutual Church of the Terrestrial Temperature Escalation Securities Trust, Inc.".

Shouldn't someone be trying to schedule a press conference and/or a meeting with President-Elect Obama, right about now? Shouldn't everyone be in the offices, on the phones, on the blogs, and getting the message out that global warming is real, again?

(Crickets Chirping, in the backdrop)


Anonymous said...

I think it is fair to say that all of us who are required to read your blog as part of our school assignments are a bit sick and tired of you whining about the weather all the time.

Plus, Mr. Garrison told us you two go back a long way. I think we all know what that means, so your constant mention of Al Gore is well understood.

Your friend,

Eric Cartman

LA Sunset said...

//Plus, Mr. Garrison told us you two go back a long way.//

Yes, we do. I kicked his ass on the playground in third grade.

Z said...

Obama's too busy meeting with Gore.
Imagine if GORE gets to be ENERGY CZAR? We'll be signing Kyoto and paying to clean up China's and India's messes and more.........

I can't think about it. I want my country back.