Thursday, December 11, 2008

More Scientists Break Ranks With Gore

Sen. James Inhofe is a member of the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, which has a blog. He has long fought the junk science advanced by Global Warming alarmists and been the subject of much ridicule by those that worship at the Al Gore Golden Altar.

Here is information about the growing number of scientists that are beginning to see just what this movement is all about and are renouncing this flawed thinking.

The UN global warming conference currently underway in Poland is about to face a serious challenge from over 650 dissenting scientists from around the globe who are criticizing the climate claims made by the UN IPCC and former Vice President Al Gore. Set for release this week, a newly updated U.S. Senate Minority Report features the dissenting voices of over 650 international scientists, many current and former UN IPCC scientists, who have now turned against the UN. The report has added about 250 scientists (and growing) in 2008 to the over 400 scientists who spoke out in 2007. The over 650 dissenting scientists are more than 12 times the number of UN scientists (52) who authored the media hyped IPCC 2007 Summary for Policymakers.

The U.S. Senate report is the latest evidence of the growing groundswell of scientific opposition rising to challenge the UN and Gore. Scientific meetings are now being dominated by a growing number of skeptical scientists. The prestigious International Geological Congress, dubbed the geologists' equivalent of the Olympic Games, was held in Norway in August 2008 and prominently featured the voices and views of scientists skeptical of man-made global warming fears.

I have noticed some things along the way and as usual, I am more than willing to share them.

For almost eight years now, the Democrats have used Global Warming as a banner issue to regain the upper hand against the Republicans. Gore immediately got onto this bandwagon not long after he got over his hissy-fit over his loss in the 2000 election and has steadily advanced this worthless theory as fact.

Take note of an enviro-nazi, sometime. Almost always they present the theory as an established fact and ridicule those that are skeptical (with some going as far as calling for firings in the discipline of climatology if they publicly express any doubts). They are so convinced and want the rest of us to be, they will use every opportunity to discredit anyone who disagrees.

Recently, NBC fired the Environmental Unit of the Weather Channel during "Green Week". Amazing, when you understand that NBC has been on Gore's bandwagon for years now and stands to make a bundle on "green" products.

The Dems promised to work on the perceived problem, if they were given power in both Congress and the White House. Understanding the night is still young and Obama has yet to take the oath, I have heard precious little about how huge of a priority this is. Certainly there is no sense of urgency now that they have won power of both branches - much to the chagrin of those that hang on to the Gore gospel.

What if NBC and Democrats (whose only objective is to hold the reins of power for as long as they are able) really realize this is junk theory? I am wondering about this for both reasons I have just stated.

If there is any validity to what they are claiming, it does not make sense to terminate those that are putting forth the propaganda. I would also think that if the core of the Democratic party would be crying from the housetops, now that they are the ruling party.

If any of my thinking is correct, can you imagine the fallout from the environmentalist lobby in the next election?


Anonymous said...

As you know, I am very interested in weather/climate phenomena. You know this because every day, I send you a snide email alerting you to the temperature and weather conditions in Florida. But being an a$$hole doesn’t make me a bona fide scientist, and you have pointed this out to me in return emails, most of which contain words and illustrations unsuitable to reprint here.

What too many morons do not seem to understand is that weather phenomenon is among the most difficult science disciplines. To illustrate this, we know what happened in the late 1700s (what people call the Little Ice Age), but we do not know why it happened. And because there is a paucity of historical records, we can only hypothesize what didn’t cause it. For example, since the Industrial Revolution didn’t occur until much later, we know we cannot blame the LIA on industrial production.

Added to this, we should probably understand that just because someone happens to be a scientist does not entitle them to make an expert opinion about the cause of global warming . . . if there is such a thing. By definition, a PhD in any topic is a very narrow area of study . . . so narrow, in fact, that the degree holder becomes an undisputed expert in the area of his or her study. The problem is that hundreds of PhDs with no expertise at all in climate or weather science are among those who agree with Gore. So Gore can say, “Hundreds of scientists support . . .” but they are not scientists in any of the areas that relate to weather phenomena.

How much credibility should a botanist have when he or she says, “The earth is definitely warming, and it is a direct result of human activity?” The answer is, none. In fact, because this subject is so complicated, I would assume that it would take a large consortium of scientists to develop cogent hypotheses . . . and given the egos of these people, it is easier said than done. For example, it would seem that archeologists, literary historians, astrophysicists, oceanographers, agriculturalists and experts in soil, chemists, entomologists, and many more than I can even imagine, would need to work together to determine the what (happened) and why.

You remember I told you about an excellent book written by Michael Crichton, “State of Fear.” His (believable) contention was that governments use fear to control human populations. If it wasn’t a fear of Hitler, or Stalin, or Osama bin Laden, then it is the almost certain end of the world due to El Nino or La Nina ocean conditions. The problem is that when Gore and company continually scream out warnings about the sky falling . . . and especially when there is no “good science” of that happening, after a while people tend to ignore what might be very important warnings. In spite of the fact that only 1% of the earth’s water is suitable for human consumption, does anyone really try to conserve water? Why not? And so it is possible that Gore and company are doing far greater harm than good.

Ergo, Gore should just shut the heck up. That’s my take.

Greg said...

Just one quibble with your post, LAS. They don't say "Global Warming" anymore. They say "Climate Change," because that covers pretty much everything....\

I'm with Mustang in finding ridiculous the notion that humans have a deep understanding of the climate. It seems likely that the space shuttle Colombia was brought down by a phenomenon called "magalightning." There's a photograph of the bolt hitting the shuttle during re-entry, but you would have a hard time finding it on the internet. NASA took control of the photo (taken by an amateur astronomer) and has threatened anyone on the internet who posts it. They say their investigation showed it was a camera anomoly, which of course explains the secrecy and threats. Bottom line: we have little idea what is going on in our atmosphere, and that's the last thing the government or the so-called climate experts are going to admit. They tell us they know it all, and we had better do what they say and not ask any questions.

Greg said...

BTW, it's friggin' freezing here! Peace out. Catch you tomorrow.

A.C. McCloud said...

LA, nice post. The fact the climate change folks always refuse to debate the issue is antithetical to science and gives away their game.

Mustang, very well said. It's amazing how so many people can take as gospel the words of a Physics professor or politician but will routinely berate actual climatologists or meteorologists when they declare themselves skeptical.

Greg, it snowed in Houston and New Orleans today! As to the Shuttle, I thought the sky was clear during the reetry that morning. Are they now saying these 'sprites' can come from clear skies? Otherwise, why would NASA be so protective, short of a possible high tech 'shoot down' of some kind.. ;-)

Greg said...

AC, it's a fascinating issue, this picture of the Colombia apparently being struck by some purple bolt. If this is lightning, it does not behave like normal lightning. It occurs far up in the atmosphere, but it is not a sprite (ironically, that mission was largely to study electrical phenomena in the upper atmosphere that we do not understand yet).

Please try the link below. It's the only place I know of where you can view the photo. It will probably be removed soon. I have printed it out, and taped it up in my office. Anyway, the white line is clearly the vapor trail of the shuttle. The purple corkscrew is nothing but a camera anomaly per NASA, which is why they have put so much effort into hiding the photo....

A.C. McCloud said...

Interesting photo. Looks to me like a piece of debris coming off the Shuttle. I'd love to see a video.