Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday Reflection

I don't often mix politics and theology here at PYY, but this is going to be an exception. The London Telegraph has published a piece that warrants some consideration.

Easily one of the most important stories of 2008 has been all the evidence suggesting that this may be looked back on as the year when there was a turning point in the great worldwide panic over man-made global warming. Just when politicians in Europe and America have been adopting the most costly and damaging measures politicians have ever proposed, to combat this supposed menace, the tide has turned in three significant respects.

For the three significant respects, you'll have to read the entire article, and I do recommend doing so. But it's important to know that the Global Warming crowd has made this more of a faith than a science, which many in the group already spurn because they are not proponents of real theological faith, but rather adhere to science as a form of religion. They openly engage in proselytizing in a manner very similar to those that are in evangelical organizations, of which they thoroughly despise. This they do, despite the fact that science is not cooperating with their deeply ingrained belief systems.

This observation leads us to a scripture that is more than appropriate for this line of thought, it comes from II Thessalonians 2:9-12 and states as follows (emphasis mine):

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

In our musings, maybe we should consider the argument that this global warming cult is one of those strong delusions causing people to believe lies. I can think of others, but they will have to wait for a more appropriate time.


A.C. McCloud said...

The planet has not appreciably warmed since 1998, while CO2 levels have steadily increased. According to GW Hoyle this should not be possible. Of course, they've yet to explain the cooling trend in the mid 20th century yet, either.

Is man affecting the climate? Yes, we know this is occurring in small ways. Is man causing ALL the variation? Clearly not--and 2008 is proof.

At the VP debate the moderator asked about man-made global warming; Biden answered "yes, man is responsible" while Palin was more nuanced, saying man is somewhat responsible but we don't know how much. They mocked her for it.

Anonymous said...

Global warming and climate change is simply no more than this: an opportunity for politicians to gain favor with people whose understanding of science is limited to their pathetic secondary education. The key here is to first invent something that will cause people to become fearful of their future existence, and then convince those same people that government has the ability to solve these serious and potentially end-of-times problems . . . and do it without laughing aloud. Has “climate change” become a false god? Probably . . . and while I am able to admit concern for our ecology, I see no intellectual justification for scaring the hell out of people simply to gain or maintain elective office.

The danger of the Al Gore mentality is that over time, the “sky is falling” warnings have the opposite effect. People simply won’t care any more—and once we lose their attention, it isn’t likely we’ll regain it.