Saturday, February 07, 2009

Another Blast From The Past

It's day four for me without a cigarette and Congress is full of dumbasses, so this is pretty much how I feel this week.

Not much of an Ozzy fan, but I did like this one and it fits right now. Here is Crazy Train:

Speaking of crazy, here is Seal with his song, Crazy:

Pink Floyd and the always relaxing Breathe:



Anonymous said...

Congrats on day 4...well, you're past that now!

Steady on!!

Crazy Train. I heard that song yesterday and it hit the spot for me, too. It's been one helluva week.

Z said...

LA...BREATHE is so great..
That line about being "afraid to care" hit me. Caring as much about America as I do's beginning to hurt.

How you're seeing what's happening to us and trying to quit smoking at the same time is way beyond me.

I quit 6 years ago, but wasn't a BIG smoker.(unless I had a bunch of smoking girlfriends and martinis with us...!! They used to tell me 'you know, you don't smoke much but when you do, you smoke like a champ'!)) For some reason, it was easy for me to quit; I wish you the same. Good luck, LA.

and thanks for the music.

LA Sunset said...

Thanks ladies, day six is here. Grrrr. ;)