Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Recommended Reading

Here are some things to consider in your daily reading rounds.

AC talks about the new US Senator from NY. What a difference a few days and a title change make.

Mustang raises some interesting questions about the state of the economy and other things that may or may not signal America's decline.

AICS has Obama's two week report card. Of course when you are critical of the President, you run the risk of attracting a mean-spirited and ignorant troll that cannot carry on an intelligent argument. And he did.

Finally, Z has posed some interesting questions that will help us all understand our place on the planet and the universe. Be sure to check them out.

1 comment:

Z said...

THAT CRACKED ME UP! I even clicked on my link to see what important, planet-referencing ERUDITE questions you were talking about at Z!
LA...that made my morning! Glad you enjoyed them! xxx