Thursday, October 14, 2010

Alvin Greene Stays On Message

As usual, there are some things I must shamelessly swipe from other blogs to keep the material up, when I am working too hard to post effectively. This one was stolen from I Hate The Media.

Who knows? Maybe he IS a plant.

It is so hard to believe that this guy could be this stupid. He is a veteran and has a degree in political science, but sure doesn't know how to speak effectively.

Regardless, the Democrats of South Carolina had the opportunity to reject him. Instead, they chose him solely because of his skin color and not because he was the best choice. They got what they deserved either way.


Chuck said...

Sadly he wouldn't be one of the dumbest Dems in Congress.

(hint: he may actually know the populace of Guam will not tip the island over)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I gave it the old college try. I clicked on play ... and I got well into the second iteration of "DeMint started the recession and I'm the best candidate for the US Senate in SC" as a response to the question, "Why did they call you Turtle in High School?"

But let's face it. Al Greene isn't running for the US Senate because he happens to be a conversationalist. No one promised him an invitation to state dinners at the White House if elected, even if he is black. No, he's running for election because he's the best man for the job, and yes ... because Jim DeMint started the recession.

Greene's political success is something we haven't seen in this country since 1865, but as pointed out by Mr. Sunset, it does tell us something important about the citizens of South Carolina.

LA Sunset said...

//Sadly he wouldn't be one of the dumbest Dems in Congress.//

And you know what? It's so sad that this is true.

LA Sunset said...

//Greene's political success is something we haven't seen in this country since 1865,//

So, Grasshopper. What have we learned since then?

A.C. McCloud said...

I can see why the Democrats want so badly to believe Greene is actually an awesome actor hired by the GOP.


LA Sunset said...

//I can see why the Democrats want so badly to believe Greene is actually an awesome actor hired by the GOP.//

Yeah....he is as sharp as a basketball.