Saturday, October 20, 2007

Another Blast From The Past

This weekend's featured artists hailed from England and had a total of 30 Top Forty hits in the U.S., amid several personnel changes throughout their history. Their music did evolve somewhat, but their lyrics did remain steady as beautiful and poignant poetry.

Today, as one listens to Crosby, Stills, and Nash (and later CSN and Young), one can distinctly hear influences from the early works of this band. And why not? One of the early members was Graham Nash.

Here are some of my favorite songs from The Hollies.

First up is a tune that most everyone that was into pop music in the 60s remembers and has some of the Graham Nash flair, the legendary Bus Stop:

Next up is one the most beautiful songs ever written, by anyone.

While I served my country in the US Army, my younger brother was tragically killed at the age of sixteen. His goal was to attend the US Air force Academy and fly jets. As younger brothers do when they are young, it feels like they cramp your style a bit. But what I wouldn't give to have him cramping my style, one more time.

Today, I cannot listen to this song without a tear coming to one (or both) of my eyes, it expresses the very essence of what it means to be a brother (blood or otherwise). Here is He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother:

Sometimes in this complex world we live in, we all lose sight of the little things that matter in our lives. There no better song that says this than the 1974 hit, The Air That I Breathe:

Not wanting to end this on too pensive of a note, here is one of the best rock and roll songs ever, Long Cool Woman:


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