Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Gitmo Prisoners Living Better Than Some Soldiers In Ft. Bragg

This is an abomination. This is not the kind of living conditions that I was accustomed to, when I was in the US Army over 30 years ago. This video will shock many of my readers that are prior service members and I hope it motivates everyone that reads this blog to raise three different kinds of hell with their Congressman and their two Senators. I know I plan to.

(NOTE - If this video runs slow, it is because it is picking up a lot of traffic right now. ABC has picked this up. So, be patient.)

For the soldiers that just endured months of hell in combat conditions, this is a slap in the face and it truly makes me furious. This is no way to treat men and women that have put their lives on the line, in service to this great nation. I do not expect them to live in the Palmer House or the Ritz, but this is not the kind of environment a hog or a cow should live in. The prisoners in Gitmo have it better than this.

To contact your elected officials, you can click here for the House of Representatives.

Or you can click here for the Senate.

So, what are you waiting for? Do it NOW. (While you are still seething)

UPDATE (30 Apr 08 - 0530):

Evidently, this has been out long enough for some fecal material to roll downhill. See this report from CNN. But please, do not let up. This is an election year, let's pressure the Army to inspect all barracks in all four branches, everywhere in the world. If this is but one example, we can bet there are others, as well.

Write your elected representatives and put pressure on them, tell them you will not be voting for them if they let this continue.


Anonymous said...

"Gitmo Prisoners Living Better Than Some Soldiers In Ft. Bragg"

Wo - where's Human Rights Watch? Having eloquently spoken out against the "modern day gulag" of GITMO, surely they will be even more outraged at the way the US of KKK A treats innocent americans....

Anonymous said...

I just watched the video and I can't believe just how bad it really is.

Here's the e-mail I sent my Representative.

I have just viewed the ABC video featuring the conditions at Ft. Bragg. At this point, you no doubt know which video I am referring to. I am sure you share my shock and outrage at the conditions in which our war veterans are being forced to live. Thankfully, I have read that public outrage has prompted changes at the base.

However, it is now clear to me that if the conditions are so deplorable at Ft. Bragg, they are likely similar at other bases. I implore you to investigate the conditions at all barracks in this country to ensure that soldiers returning from serving their country in a war zone won't be treated worse than prisoners.

Thank you.

LA Sunset said...

My letter to my Congressman:

I have been a supporter of the US Military all of my adult life and I myself, served honorably over 30 years ago. I know you have been and still are actively involved in military affairs, as an elected official from my district and as a Reserve Officer. But I have to say that the recent video report on the ABC News website of the You Tube video has infuriated me greatly. (Ref.- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4P-camUjjk )

I urge you and those that work for you to please see that this kind of thing is the exception and not the rule. I know this particular instance is getting attention, but I honestly must wonder if there are more billets that are in the same horrible condition as the ones I saw in the video.

I do not have to tell you that these men and women have volunteered to sacrifice their lives in pursuit of peace in the Middle East, and this great nation. It is deplorable at best and an abomination, at worst, to have this kind of a homecoming awaiting them when they return. And it needs to change.

No one that I know, expects these soldiers to be housed in plush conditions like the Waldorf or the Palmer House. But honestly, we should not be providing better quarters for those housed in Gitmo. Those that defend our freedom from those that think like those same prisoners should not be forced to endure unhealthy filth, as a lifestyle.

Thank you for your attention in this matter. I know you have an excellent military affairs assistant who cares deeply about the men and women that wear their military uniforms, proudly. Please turn the Sergeant Major loose and let him pressure those in positions to end this insanity.

Obob said...

I'm sure Burton is on it. He may be a dillhole, but he can something right now and then. As long as it's on the way to the golf course

LA Sunset said...

Hi Obob,

//I'm sure Burton is on it. He may be a dillhole, but he can something right now and then. As long as it's on the way to the golf course//

This is an interesting scenario.

Evidently Burton feels a little vulnerable in the primary, he's answering McGoff's negative ads.

He's been in office way too long, in my view. But he is not my Rep., therefore I cannot vote against him or for him.