Monday, June 20, 2005

Democrats Block Bolton Confirmation

Click on the title for an AP article in the SF Gate about the Dems blocking the Bolton confirmation.

First, I have to ask. Is this really any big surprise? I mean, there is no evidence of anything illegal, immoral, or unethical in Mr. Bolton's history, in spite of the fact that they have dug and dug. This is nothing more than an ideological fight.

President Bush (who won the election) is exercising his obligation to nominate the candidate he feels is best suited for the job. The Dems are opposing him for the specific purpose of opposing anything Bush. The only thing they can come with after weeks and weeks of digging, haggling, and wrangling, is he is a hard man to work for. He is hard to work for because he expects loyalty, hard work, and results. What is wrong with that?

Furthermore, the Dems want someone weak so their heroes the French can continue to try and drive the UN train. Because they know that Mr. Bolton will not allow any country to undermine the interests of this country. They are scared of him. They know he will clean house and get the job done, and they just cannot have that under the President's watch (which will result in even more losses in the midterm elections).

For them, playing politics with serious issues doesn't abate even in between elections.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Damn Skippy! It's really quite said that the left, including the democrat party has no issues with harming America in their raw play for power.