Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Truth About Hillary: My Perspective

I just have to weigh in on the flap about Ed Klein's new book that has the left furious and the right gloating.

Now let me start off by saying that I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton, never have been and never will be. She is a leftist socialist that is triangulating toward the center, purely for political purposes. I don't agree with her ideologically and firmly believe that her mad dash to the middle, is a farce. If I lived in New York, I wouldn't support her or vote for her. And if she runs for President, I will not vote for her.

Having said that, I must also say that I can't condone her opponents for pushing embarassing personal and private life information. I do not care if she was/is a lesbian (anymore than I care about her hubby straying from the marriage contract). I don't care if they have an open marriage and stay married just for the political gain that comes from it. I just don't care.

We have seen both parties get dirty at different points in the past. And we have seen that the outcome of such activities, usually result in a greater likelihood of more dirty attacks. The pendulum swings back pretty hard.

The GOP got personal with the Monica affair, just for spite. I know he lied about it and he shouldn't have. He should have owned up to it and moved on. But the GOP should not have wasted the taxpayers money just to prove that he got a little action on the side. The question should have remained, "Was there wrongdoing in the Whitewater affair?". A lot of money was spent to establish that Whitewater was a crooked deal and all we got was consensual oral sex.

Then the Dems unleashed their revenge on George W. Bush and soon the allegations began flying about his past indiscretions with substance abuse. Again this was irrelevent, as the actions in question occurred many years prior and should not have been a factor. It was just payback for the Monica thing and the pendulum swung back harder.

Just know that there are a wide range of things that Hillary can be judged on that are not personal, that would disqualify her from being president. Will she sell secrets to the Chinese? Will she sell us out to Europe? And will she try to implement a new and slicker version of Hillary care? These are all valid questions. How she spends taxpayer money, the words she uses, and the actions she takes on sensitive issues are equally fair to assess. But unless she knocks off a gas station on her way home from work, her personal life should be left personal.

Believe me, there are enough good reasons for Americans to reject her in 2008. Just leave the rest out, because it really doesn't matter.

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