Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Social Sense: Holding the Saudis Accountable

Social Sense: Holding the Saudis Accountable

Mustang at Social Sense has some poignant things to say about the "so-called" friendship, we have with the Saudis. But let's think this through.

Right now, like it or not, we need their oil. If we cut ties now, the available supply goes down and our price goes up. And if you think that gas is high now, it would really skyrocket. And then, who would get the blame?

I do agree with Mustang though, the Saudis aren't really our friends. But to be in a position to tell them to stuff it, we first need to get the Iraqi oil fields up and producing to capacity. That would give us the leeway to cut all ties to the kingdom, dry up the American dollar flow into it, and play havoc with their economy.

But make no mistake about my opinion, the Saudis are not our friends, now. In fact, I am not sure they ever were.

Read the whole article, by clicking on the link or the title.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Saudis are as close to an enemy as America has right now. The 911 attacks were carried out by an organisation staffed, led, funded and religiously aligned to Saudis. The religious terrorists in Iraq follow the state religion of Saudi Arabia. Saudi money funds clerics who spit bile against the West.

The thuggish Saudi dictators maintain power by fostering a sense of umma (brotherhood) with their subjects. Anger at the poverty and unproductive lives most Saudi citizens lead is directed at foreign (Western) nfluences that are corrupting this brotherhood.

Yes we need their oil, but we do not need them.