Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Now This Is Gay Bashing: Gays In The Islamic World

Click on the title for an article by Deroy Murdock on the CATO Institute's website, about gays are treated in the Islamic world.

Here is an excerpt.

This weekend's Gay Pride festivities in New York City climaxed with Sunday's 36th annual parade down Fifth Avenue. As usual, the raucous affair thrilled some and rattled others, but everyone walked away intact. One would have to fantasize about such an occasion, however, in most Muslim nations where homosexuality remains as concealed as a bride beneath a burqa. When it peeks through, it isn't pretty. While many liberals (and President G.W. Bush) call Islam a religion of peace, "celebrating diversity" is hardly on its agenda.

But by all means don't stop there. Read the entire article for specific heinous atrocities that happen to gays, in Jihadland.

But I just have to ask:

Why do you suppose we hear constant screeching from the left that Americans are guilty of heinous crimes against homosexuals, yet they are conspicuously silent on the things that befall gays, at the hands of the Islamofascists? It makes no sense. To have a sincere and genuine ideology, one must condemn the things that one considers condemnable, in a uniform and consistent manner. That is a concept that seems to escape those in the leftist community.

First of all, I am not against gays. I support their right to the same pursuits of life, liberty, and happiness. I don't believe in discriminating against them in any area and certainly I strongly condemn any and all hate crimes against them.

Secondly, I do not have a problem with them getting partner benefits from any company that wants to give it to them. I have not, nor will I ever, boycott a company that does so. Those companies have saved the American taxpayers a lot of money, when many have been removed from Medicaid and other welfare programs. So, I say more power to them.

But, what I don't like is when the radical, leftist gay lobby tries to force feed it down our throats, by any means they deem appropriate. The Rosie O'Donnell approach does not work and does more to turn off mainstream Americans, than it does anything else. The illegal defiance of the San Francisco mayor by allowing gay marriages (in spite of state law) and the judgment in Massachusetts ORDERING that gay marriages be permitted (by declaring them unconstitutional) were two other approaches that did more to harm the cause, than help it. Gays have it better here than in the vast majority of other countries, especially those that are Muslim.

But that said, I am against homosexual marriage because in my opinion, marriage is between a man and a woman. I might be inclined to support civil unions as a compromise, even though I feel they will further tie up our family court systems, when those with civil unions decide they don't want to be with their partners anymore. But I would have to study any proposal of such, more thoroughly before I would decide.

So, if you are a leftist radical pro-gay that wants to whine and complain about how bad gays have it here, read this article by Mr. Murdock. Then maybe the Rosie O'Donnells of the world can go to Iran, Saudi Arabia, and other Muslim countries and really have something to protest about.

And if you are a right winger who believes that someone died and made you God's judge, jury, and executioner; chill out. Stop printing lists of companies to boycott, because they give benefits to gay partners. If you don't want to shop there, or do any kind of business with those companies, fine. Some of us don't care and are glad that some people are now off government assistance thanks to partner benefits. If you continue your mission to play God, you only give more credibility to the arguments of the fanatics like Rosie.


VARepublicMan said...

I read the linked article shortly after hearing President Bush speak on the situation in Iraq. Can there be any doubt that we are doing only what needs to be done? No one wants to send our youth into battle but I served (thankfully in peace time) and those that are serving now do so of their own free will. Iraq may not be the worst offender (they were close) but they supported the terrorists, they had wmd and they ignored the UN Resolutions. They were a target of opportunity which now places us in a perfect area for future defensive strikes. I trust the current administration to make the correct (if difficult) decisions. To misquote Admiral Farragut, "Damn The Liberals Full Speed Ahead".

LA Sunset said...

These people are definitely evil.

I wasn't too keen on starting another conflict at the time we did. However, I am convinced having Saddam out of power is a good thing. But, we are there and we should settle for nothing less than victory. Instead of talking about pulling out, we should step up the fire power.