Thursday, April 24, 2008

News In Brief (And The Usual Opinionated Commentary)

Some odds and ends from the world of news and commentary:

Parents Sue Over Use Of Dead Soldier's Name

An anti-war tee shirt company is making money off the war they claim to be against. But these parents are not going to have it and I think they may have a case.

VDH On The Second Coming Of McGovern.

Maybe he reads PYY?

Euro-Muslim Tensions On The Rise

Tony Blankley seems to think there is some friction between Islamic and European culture. Many from Europe will call him an idiot, but that's not so unusual. They call anyone who doesn't agree with their views idiots, bigots, right-wingnutted Americans, and nothing short of retarded cowboys. But the joke is on them, for there's no way they can deny there is tension. With numbers they way they are, there is no way there cannot be.

Comparing McCain To Bush

The LA Times is doing the only thing that Dems can possibly do right now, and that is tying McCain to Bush's policies. Most of the proposals of the two Dems are socialist in nature, most of them have little validity when completely vetted in a reasonable debate. But push them they do and lose the election they probably will. With the kind of weak and faulty arguments like the ones found in this slanted essay (by the Executive Editor of The New Republic, it won't be any great surprise.

Colorado Rep. Castigated For Remarks On Immigration

Rep. Douglas Bruce was ordered to leave the podium of the Colorado House of Representatives on Monday after calling Mexican workers "illiterate peasants."

Bruce, a Republican with a history of provoking controversy with his statements and actions, made the comment during a debate on a bill designed to ease a farmworker shortage in Colorado.

Let's examine this a little. This is from Merriam-Webster:


1: having little or no education; especially : unable to read or write

2 a: showing or marked by a lack of familiarity with language and literature b: violating approved patterns of speaking or writing

3: showing or marked by a lack of acquaintance with the fundamentals of a particular field of knowledge


1: a member of a European class of persons tilling the soil as small landowners or as laborers; also : a member of a similar class elsewhere

2: a usually uneducated person of low social status

Illiterate peasants come in all colors and nationalities. Elitists have no trouble characterizing a good portion of rural America as such. So, where did this man err?


Anonymous said...

Illiterate peasants come in all colors and nationalities. Elitists have no trouble characterizing a good portion of rural America as such. So, where did this man err?

It's only bigoted if a non-leftwingnut says it. Reminds me of the uproar a few years ago when someone had the misfortune of using the word "niggardly*," in a public forum. The guy lost his job if I remember right. What have I missed? Don't liberals speak English? Aren't they supposed to be the smart ones????

*nig·gard·ly: (nĭg'ərd-lē), adj.
Grudging and petty in giving or spending. Meanly small; scanty or meager: left the waiter a niggardly tip. (American Heritage Dictionary).

A.C. McCloud said...

So, where did this man err?

He made the mistake of telling the truth. Maybe he can now give a speech about Hispanic-White relations in America, bashing his grandmother in some fashion.

LA Sunset said...

//It's only bigoted if a non-leftwingnut says it.//

Surely not. There's no way.

Tell me you are kidding.

(Sarcasm: Off)

It would be funny if it wasn't so insane.

LA Sunset said...

//Maybe he can now give a speech about Hispanic-White relations in America, bashing his grandmother in some fashion.//

They'd call for his head.