Monday, March 16, 2009

Recommended Reading

It's Monday. After one week of vacation, I must return to the salt mine. Last evening I was too tired to write anything of any value. So for today, I will simply recommend going to Social Sense for another one of Mustang's great posts.


Anonymous said...

So this is what has become of America’s ethical standard . . . After four weeks of vacation, I must return to the salt mine. Well, at least we know the problem, don’t we? I suppose your next revelation will be that you are off on Tuesday. Sheesh.


LA Sunset said...

I look at the time of Eric's post and as is usually the case, he has just been home no more than a minute and is already on the computer. He's not doing homework, he's not taking out the trash like his mother asked him, he hasn't even let the dog out yet.

Well Eric, let me tell you how lucky you are. We didn't have computers when I was a kid, at least not at home. And if I didn't get my chores done before the 6' 4" veteran of two wars came home, he would plant a size 12 boot or shoe.... and it wasn't in the garden.
