Monday, March 02, 2009

A Thought For The Day

The other day, Mrs. Sunsett read something in her readings that stood out enough for her to want to mention it to me. It's not much and maybe you have heard it, already. But I still would like to pass it along, on the chance there is someone else that has not heard it.

As I searched online to see who I could attribute this too, I found many are laying claim to it. But until someone comes up with more than what I have been able to find in my searchings, let's just say the source is unknown:

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

In these tough times, there appears to be little hope despite what the government hacks are telling us. Since January 20, there has been no evidence that there is anything to look forward to, nothing to plan for, and no end in sight. The Dow keeps going down after every speech, every promotion, and every plea for patience. Confidence is tanking out, faster and faster daily. People are getting sick and tired of being told, they are sick and tired.

But although our pain is nothing strange to us, although we can always be assured of a certain measure at some point in our lives, we need not sit about and suffer. We need not feel sorry for ourselves. We need not make the situation worse by ruminating on it.

Whenever a certain path seems like it leads nowhere, we need to change paths. Whenever we are sad, whenever we are bored or sick of present circumstances, it is at that moment where we need to effect some kind of change in our lives. It may necessitate some work and planning. But I still believe that old adage that we control much of own destiny. Not all, but a lot.


Z said...

Now, how do we handle obama bad news!?

Keep on keepin' on!!

LA Sunset said...

//Now, how do we handle obama bad news!?//

Thank you sir. May I have another?