Thursday, July 14, 2005

Congrats To Flaming Duck

Stop by and congratulate VARepublicman at Flaming Duck for reaching the 3000 mark on his counter. VAR was one of the first blog pals I had and has been putting out some pretty good stuff, since I have known him. I highly suspect he will keep doing the same for a long time, so give him a hit now and then. You won't be sorry.

Congratulations VAR and if I ever get motivated enough to get a counter I will be looking for references to a good one (as well as inexpensive).


VARepublicMan said...

Thanks. Just let me know on the counter.

LA Sunset said...

I'll get to it soon. I will e-mail you if that's ok with you.

VARepublicMan said...

Email is best. (Otherwise I feel obigated to create an all-purpose post that takes about an hour to write!)