Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Nomination

Who is this guy? Click on the title for a bio.

But honestly, I had never heard of Judge Roberts until yesterday. If the truth be known, I doubt many have. But rest assured, the Democratic Party Smear Committee is working overtime to come up with any and all potential negative press they can, to obstruct once again.

I listened to Schumer and Leahy comment on the nomination, on the radio, on my way home from work yesterday. It was the same old tired rhetoric that we have become accustomed to hearing from two Grand Champion Obstructionist Leftists with one twist. Schumer displayed his total ignorance by saying:

"Now that he is nominated for a position where he can overturn precedent and make law, it is even more important that he fully answers a very broad range of questions,"

Make law? What kind of idiot has New York elected? New Yorkers that voted for him should be ashamed of themselves because he has no clue about anything, reality-based.

For those that don't remember their high school government class material, the Supreme Court's primary function is to INTERPRET the law. It is the Congress that MAKES law and the President that ENFORCES the law.

It's really simplistic, when you think about it. Where it gets confusing is when the judiciary at any level, tries to assert itself into another area of which it is not authorized, specifically the legislative branch. After a while, people come to accept that this is their role, when it it clearly is not.

Anyway, let the rhetoric machine start cranking out the lies, the half truths, and the facts. But those of us with level heads should wade through the muck that will be churned out, and seek the truth. Unless something of a serious nature comes up, like a crime or some serious issues involving severe ethical lapses, he should be confirmed.

Hat Tip on the bio: (Where there is fair and extensive coverage.)

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