Saturday, July 09, 2005

MoveOn.Org Promotes Plagiarism

Click on the title for the full story from Neal Boortz.

I won't spoil the surprise. But suffice it to say, it does not surprise me one bit that the left has resorted to this kind of tactic. They did it throughout the election and they are continuing it. well after the fact. This story shows just how low the left is willing to go to promote its weak agenda.

MoveOn.Org is a den of liars and a haven for angry young people that cannot think for themselves, cannot form an objective opinion, and cannot produce one single solitary idea, as an alternative to the policies they so loudly decry. They only have the ability to train zombie-like leftist robots that follow whatever path the likes of George Soros and Michael Moore, leads them on.

They are unto themselves the worst kind of cult, that rivals that of the Moonies, Hare Krishnas, and other brainwashing organizations. From now on, they shall be known as MoveOn.Org, the quintessential political cult.

Read it for yourself and see what you think.

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