Friday, July 29, 2005

The Downside To Multi-Culturalism

Click on the title for a link to a Washingtom Times Op-Ed piece, by Wesley Pruden on multi-culturism and the hard realities it imposes, on a civilization.

First let me say that this country was built by hardworking immigrants, there is no debate from me in that area. But there is a marked difference in the kinds of immigrants that want better lives, dreams, and a hope, vs. the ones that seek to destroy one of the very producers, of such opportunities.

Some people learn things the hard way, and not all of them live in Washington. Our English cousins are getting a brutal lesson in reality:

Multiculturalism will kill you if you don't watch out.

How does that sound? Is is offensive to you?

Well consider this, every empire that tried to accomodate multiple cultures within their boundaries has crumbled from within. Rome was a prime example. Although they were benevolent for an empire of that time (especially with that much area under its control), they still crumbled from within; because they tried to assimilate too many cultures and those cultures that were not compatible, with a free thinking society.

Now if this angers you, read on:

The raids showed "insensitivity" toward Islam, and the authorities, ever eager to improve "community relations" with what Kipling might have called "the lesser breeds without the law," invited the "moderate" chairman of the Central Birmingham Mosque to participate in a press conference to discuss the raids.

The session had hardly begun before one Dr. Mohammed Naseem began a denunciation of the West, of Britain, of the police and other assorted infidels who had libeled Islam by suggesting that Muslims were in any way responsible for the bombing campaign in London, in which more than 50 men, women and children have died.

Prime Minister Tony Blair, he said, is "a liar," and the security forces are evil. The suspects were merely innocent commuters, and he isn't interested in hearing about DNA evidence because DNA science "could not be trusted." Well, of course it can't, since DNA science was developed after the eighth century, when the prophet set out everything that would ever be known about anything.

These people have nothing in common with the ideals set forth by any free and sovereign nation. They are mad dogs that preach violence, hate, and evil. And they do it manipulating the systems of the very civilizations that have welcomed them into their lands.

What a slap in the face. What an insult. And these people want me to feel bad because a group of these very same, like-minded people were stacked into a pyramid, naked? It may have not been right to do that, but I can't see anyone with the least bit of intelligence equating that with blowing up and beheading innocents.

And do not even mention the fact that whenever someone says something the least bit sensitive to those that are doing this evil, preaching this hate, and committing this violence, they are ostricized so greatly and so loudly by those that believe this garbage.

The real phenomenon of the age of terror is how the "infidels" -- the Christians, the Jews and the unbelievers -- have kept their cool and their ideals intact in the wake of a rich provocation to retaliate.

Why is this?

Because these two religions are peaceful. These religions are at peace with themselves as individuals and for the most part as, a whole group. Buddhists, Hindus, and other eastern religions are peaceful as well. Their very foundations are peace. But Islam is the one religion that has been evangelized and taught by the wrong end of the sword.

It's time for a new prophet to emerge in Islam, one that teaches the principles of love, respect, and understanding of those that don't share the same beliefs. It's time for a new voice, a voice of reason to put a stop this madness, and teach Muslims how much mightier the pen is, than the sword. Someone who will evangelize with a sermon, not a bomb.

Then and only then, will there be true peace.


Anonymous said...

LA, this is an excellent commentary. As you know, I’ve written quite a bit about this issue and how it undermines American core values, and I have become convinced that the underlying principles of multiculturalism is the destruction of the United States and its 258 million Christian citizens. I should say that I am not worried that so many people will suddenly convert to Islam, but only that the aim of such organizations as CAIR is exactly that.

As a former high school teacher, I can tell you that Middle Eastern interests are hard a work to convert American educational systems into adopting the Saudi view of Islam. One CAIR spokesperson, whose responsibility it is to provide American schools with Islamic propaganda, said (paraphrasing) that “The United States was created based on Christian, Jewish, and Islamic values.” What is worrisome is that a majority of social studies teachers, who are already overloaded with a number of content preparations and bulging classrooms, simply do not conduct additional research before they deliver these materials to their students. Thus, “multiculturalism” is very much alive and well in our public education system, and it is only likely to get worse in the future.

You are completely correct when you say, “this country was built by hardworking immigrants, there is no debate from me in that area. But there is a marked difference in the kinds of immigrants that want better lives, dreams, and a hope, vs. the ones that seek to destroy one of the very producers, of such opportunities.” My wife is an immigrant, but she does not cling to the old culture, she embraced the new. But that isn’t what Muslims are all about . . . they are not coming here to embrace us as brothers and sisters; they are coming here with the ultimatum, “convert, or die.” There is no other position for Muslims to take—because that is what their religion teaches them and what they’ve been hearing over and over for years and years.

I cannot say that every single Muslim living in America is bent on our destruction, but you know . . . it only takes a few who are armed with WMD to wipe out several hundred thousands of our citizens. Personally, I am dismayed by our government’s lack of attention to detail with respect to border and immigration controls. It may be that the Washington bureaucrats are simply playing the statistical game, where a million casualties only comprise three tenths of one percent of our overall citizenry. It is clear to me that government decision makers are not of the same high caliber of our young men and women in uniform.

Anonymous said...

LA: Please drop me a line at my email address:

Thanks . . .

G_in_AL said...

The fanatics in the Islam leadership have launched an all-out war against the “West”. I only hope that they played their card too soon. There is a growing movement, quiet still, under the covers, but growing, of people that are seeing Islam itself as the enemy. I truly think that they began their assaults too early. With out the 9/11, and 7/7 attacks, most of us would have simply looked over things like this. We would have dismissed it as nothing more than “crazy” rhetoric.

Btw, on a side note, if you would, follow this link. I gave a whirl at political humor… made my own cartoon.

Always On Watch said...

LA Sunsett,
You wrote "These people have nothing in common with the ideals set forth by any free and sovereign nation. They are mad dogs that preach violence, hate, and evil. And they do it manipulating the systems of the very civilizations that have welcomed them into their lands." And as my friend Mustang pointed out in his comment here, CAIR is a consummate manipulator of our system. CAIR's May 2005 fundraiser (for those under terrorism indictment)was attended by the senior Senator from Virginia--John Warner. I didn't hear one single word about this fundraiser in the media; rather, I learned about it by visiting CAIR's website, where the lists of guests and speakers was published. But let Ibrahim Hooper open his mouth about the "racial profiling of Muslims," and I see him interviewed on CBS Morning News (July 29, 2005). He is running his mouth as I'm posting the story about the firing of Michael Graham. Ye, gods!

Furthermore, as Mustang also pointed out, our educational system is not presenting the truth about Islam. In fact, one of the leading nationwide curriculum consultants is Susan Douglass, a convert to Wahhabism. How's that for subversion?

LAS, as you and Weslye Pruden have pointed out, multiculturalism (brainwashing and sensitivity training, in my opinion) is the deadly doctrine which our educational system has embraced. Institutions of learning are actually teaching that Western Civilization is "the problem." I wish the brainwashed idiots who are teaching would take time to read Oriana Fallaci's "The Rage and the Pride." Western civilization has done more for the world than any other civilization, and she states so concisely and elegantly.

We would do well to consider your words:
"[E]very empire that tried to accomodate multiple cultures within their boundaries has crumbled from within." The UK, no longer an empire, has reaped the harvest of embracing multiculturalism. How many London bombings so far?

Multiculturalism started out as learning about other cultures, this latter a concept with which I, a foreign-language major, have no problem. But even back then, in the 1960's, my grandmother (1898-1981) sounded an alarm about the far-reaching impact of multiculaturalism. "Learn about them and soon you'll be one of them"; she worried that I, her only granddaughter, would be somehow corrupted. I laughed her off, at the time, as just being a crotchety old woman. Well, now I'm glad that my Wawa has not lived to see what has happened to the world. A hillbilly from Tennessee, she'd have headed for a mosque on 9/12 and with her rifle in hand, too (She once held off the power company--at gunpoint--and prevented the company's putting high-tension lines over her cow shed here in Northern Virginia!). I don't think that way, but another attack on our shores may well bring out individuals who still think the way my grandmother did.

Mike's America said...

If we are ready now to get serious about the problem of fanatical Islamic terrorists in our midsts, one small step is to support the Saudi Arabia Accountability Act to defund radical islamic groups in this country.

My post here:

I'm not sure it goes far enough, but it is a start.

LA Sunset said...

Mike thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog. I am familiar with this legislation and let me just say that I support this initiative, wholly and completely.