Monday, November 14, 2005

Al's Cognitive Follies Continue

Al Gore, the man that invented the internet, the lockbox, and popularized the modern-day Democratic hissy fit (because he didn't get his way), is back in the news for another idiotic statement. (Via The Age)

Al Gore:
"I don't want to diminish the threat of terrorism at all, it is extremely serious, but on a long-term global basis, global warming is the most serious problem we are facing."

It is evident that what we are dealing with here, is a man that has a physiological problem with his neurons synapsing, properly.

Al and his MoveOn.Org cult following have failed to recognize that if we lose the battle to terrorism, there cannot/will not be any debate on global warming, whatsoever. In fact, there will be no debate on taxes, social security, capitalism vs. socialism, or anything at all. The debates that take place now would all mean nothing, if we have no economy, so safety, and no freedom.

Now, I ask you:

Which is really most serious and which can kill us all faster?


Anonymous said...

But, but . . . LA, if the terrorists win and impose an Islamic state all throughout the western world, all industrial activities will cease and we'll reenter the middle ages. Without all those pollutants, the trend of global warming will reverse, and in time, the earth will be better off. Geez, I'm surprised that you can see that!

LA Sunset said...

You cannot enjoy the fruits of no air pollution, if you have no head to breathe the air through.

If it's all the same to you, I will opt for the smog. ;)

G_in_AL said...

lol, you really want to see the instant liberal argument... read the comment on my post about this from H.

They really do think the sky is falling unless we destroy our economy NOW!

Always On Watch said...

Remember John Kerry's statement about terrorism as a "nuisance"? That little comment didn't go over too well, either.

When AG makes such stupid statements, I'm so glad that he wasn't President on 9/11!