Friday, November 11, 2005

Comments Well Worth Highlighting

From the comment section of my post from yesterday, entitled Bush Approval Ratings Continue To Dip. If you haven't read it, read it first. Then the comments will make better sense.

I rarely front out a commenter, but sometimes a commenter raises an excellent point, well-worth repeating. This is one instance, where all three are on the money.

From Les at Living In The Surreal World, who posted this at his site, as well (font in red is my emphasis):

They have an idea, it is to replace the society of social and economic consent that we live in with the social and economic primacy of the parasites over the productive. Or as their primary philosophical source (and founding trustifarian) put it, "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs." And as there is no limit to the needs of the parasite masters there will be no limit on the burdens imposed on the productive slaves.

Poison is poison no matter how much grape flavoring one adds to it. They cannot avoid knowing that their ideal society is toxic to us and thus have no effective choice but to attack the opposition on trivial issues in order to head off a public examination of their basic ideological premises.

Political ideology is basically a means of giving the appearance of positive virtue to actions that are morally intolerable to the victims.

The weak minds that are predisposed to believe in the socialist utopian fantasy are not going to understand what Les just said. The card carrying members of MoveOn.Org and other seditious and destructive political cults will not comprehend it (did you notice I said will not and not cannot). Why?

They have been brainwashed and indoctrinated to the degree that you would need to kidnap them and spend months trying to reprogram them. It's easier to reprogram a Moonie than a leftist cult member.

But for those that are not indoctrinated, maybe just a little confused, and in the process of seeking truth and understanding; what Les is saying is this, it is a smokescreen. They want to deflect the arguments back on the opposition (which usually means the President), so as to put them on the defensive.

Esther from Outside The Blogway and Popeye from The Logic Lifeline understands why, as is evidenced by their comments. (Again, emphasis mine is in red.)


They truly don't think they NEED to come up with an idea! I swear -- they think just defeating the republicans' ideas are enough. I've this convo with a pal who works for pelosi til i'm blue in the face. They don't think they need to! Unreal.


I have asked on lefty blogs ad nauseum and they will not give one positive point about the Dems. One person asked for my list of positive agenda points which I readily gave. He then criticized mine and said they would run on the antithesis of my ideas. What a low hanging curve ball.

Have you noticed they aren't that bright in the leftist blogosphere? Name calling seems to be the pinnacle of their intellectual achievement.

My questions are:

Are their actually enough non-thinking fools in this country that will vote for a platform such as this?

What will they do when they lose more elections with this foolish strategy?


G_in_AL said...

LA, I found one yesterday:

My post about a "Liberal with a Clue".

I was astonished, but believe it or not, some of them have decent ideas, and even explain them in ways everyone can understand. The problem is the current hacks in control are more interested in self preservation than in promoting a positive agenda.

Esther said...

g, then they need to get their ideas to the democratic party because there's nothing going on upstairs there lately. Makes me sad. I'm a centrist and would really appreciate someone putting forth something I can believe in.

LA -- thanks for the plug and for appreciating my comment. :)

LA Sunset said...

You are welcome Esther