Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Paris Riots Hit Sixth Day

The IHT is reporting a sixth day of riots in a Paris suburb, with a high concentration of North African Muslim immigrants.

PARIS - French President Jacques Chirac called for calm and a firm hand Wednesday in response to six nights of rioting in Paris' troubled suburbs, warning of a ''dangerous situation.''

Hey Chirac,

Having a little trouble there? Things getting a little out of hand?

Imagine how this would play out if you continue allowing massive immigration, of these people? How widespread would something like this be, say ten years from now, when (if left unchecked) the numbers would be double?

Best Wishes,


PS. Ogre at The Wide Awakes weighs in. As does Gindy and the Astute Blogger.


Esther said...

Yeah, what a mess it is over there. Definitely need to keep an eye on the situation.

LA Sunset said...


The sad thing is we have been saying this thing was a potential powder keg for awhile. France didn't get it, and I am not sure they do. even now.

Anonymous said...

They say that whatever goes around, comes around. Sadly, our "open door" to those from extremist regions could very well produce the same or a similar result. We saw, recently, in a pro-minuteman demonstraton (in California?) where Hispanic groups formed an anti-demonstration that turned quite ugly.

So then we have a situation here where illegals invade our land, and then get ugly when we demonstrate for better security. Yes, this does tend to piss me off.

Always On Watch said...

Eurabia is happening! I cruise some European blogs, and what I find there is truly frightening.

How long before we see something similar here in the United States? Mustang is right: Sadly, our "open door" to those from extremist regions could very well produce the same or a similar result.

Σ. Alexander said...

What makes Muslims so special? Some ethnic minorities in North America and Europe are good achievers. Indians use their brainpower to succeed in academic fields and computer software. Japanese are hard working. Filipinos are good housekeepers.

Clash of civilizations, poverty, discrimination, brah, brah brah ...., nothing can explain it well.

G_in_AL said...

I hope french authorities get it under control quickly, lest we Americans will have to send in troops and save them.... AGAIN!

sorry, couldnt resist.

LA Sunset said...

My guess is there will come a time when the world will tire of this kind of stuff.

They will tire of walking on eggshells. They will tire of the radical jihadists attacking them, in spite of the fact that the west has caved to any and all pressure put forth, by oufits like CAIR, et al. They will tire of "so-called" moderate Muslims saying and doing nothing.

Oh, we hear the moderates say little things here and there. "We despise these attacks but.......", and so forth. But we never hear one of them come on TV and say, "we wholeheartedly condemn Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, et al."

And, "we are prepared to help peaceful governments everywhere track down these killers and bring them to justice". But we do not hear that, do we?.

As long as the Islamic mainstream clerics continue to make excuses, as long as they teach that Muslims must be defended and protected at all costs, they will continue in this manner.

They will not stop.

They will need to be stopped.

And how much it will cost in terms of human life, sacrifice, and money will depend on how long the world chooses to tolerate this BS. When they are sick of it right up to their nostrils, they will finally work to stop it.

G_in_AL said...

not getting tired yet. I made the connection to militant islam in Iraq looks alot like militant islam in France... and had two liberals jump me right away, one called me racist, and the other explained it away as they are "poor", thats why the are rioting.

Always On Watch said...

Now NINE days and still counting.

Shah said, What makes Muslims so special? Some ethnic minorities in North America and Europe are good achievers. Indians use their brainpower to succeed in academic fields and computer software. Japanese are hard working. Filipinos are good housekeepers.

Clash of civilizations, poverty, discrimination, brah, brah brah ...., nothing can explain it well.

Well, they are Moose-lems, so they don't have to follow kafir rules. Allah tells them so.

All_I_Can_Stands said...

Perhaps the solution is for the French to end their occupation of France?

LA Sunset said...

"Perhaps the solution is for the French to end their occupation of France?"


Allah has declared that France is future Muslim land?

Always On Watch said...

Allah has declared that France is future Muslim land? Probably so!

Of course, we have this all wrong, don't we? According to the msm, the ones rioting are unemployed "youths."