Sunday, November 06, 2005

Iraq Battle Stress Worse Than WWII, Says Times

The Times has an article on this very subject, I recommend reading it. The left won't get it, but maybe those that sit on the fence will get a better feel of just what kind of pressure, these men and women are under in this war.


SENIOR army doctors have warned that troops in Iraq are suffering levels of battle stress not experienced since the second world war because of fears that if they shoot an insurgent, they will end up in court.

The two senior Royal Army Medical Corps officers, one of whom is a psychologist, have recently returned from Basra, where they said they counselled young soldiers who feared a military police investigation as much as they did the insurgents.

Now, I ask you. Is this the way to send men and women to fight? Everytime they are faced with a dangerous life/death situation, they must remember the Pantano case and they must agonize (in a span of seconds) over what to do, in any and every given situation. The fear of the embedded media reporter (with a leftist agenda) getting a hold of a justified miltary action that involved the death of an insurgent (and twisting it into something it is not), is not a fair thing to impose onto them, in addition what they must already endure.

Leftists that drive this hysteria, with their slanted media coverage and their stunts like Cindy Sheehan's, are not only emboldening the enemy; they are are tying the hands of our troops, thus weakening them, so that very enemy gains an advantage that would not have otherwise been there.

They did it in Vietnam, they are doing it now. They cannot cannot reason in their minds that they are a tool of the enemy. They cannot (or should I say, will not) allow themselves to believe this. They only want to go after a sitting President, it matters not to them that it gets people killed.

The blood was their hands then. And, it is on their hands, today.


Esther said...

This really is a tragedy. Great post on a much needed topic for discussion. Breaks my heart.

Anonymous said...

They do it because they hate America, LA . . . and everything it stands for. They are truly dedicated to the destruction of American culture and values. They are truly destestable and pathetic.

Jason Pappas said...

It makes my blood boil. I've argued with leftists over this and it's gotten quite nasty. They really want to destroy our military capacity step by step. To them the end justifies the means. And despite what they say, they really believe America is evil and must be hobbled. They try to weasel out of that charge; but when you see them going after the men and women in uniform, you know where they really stand.

G_in_AL said...

I'd be the pick-and-choose mentality of the "therapists" have been able to find more severe stress... but they dont mention they look for the most screwed up person, and they dont mention how much of this has to do with our society today that is so self centered that the stress "THEY" had to go through, was just unbearable.

The greatest generation realized that none of them were so damned important as to worry two shits if they were "stressed" during combat.

Not today.. we have a bunch of play-station punks that get pissed because they should be smoking weed and having three-ways that are cyber casted out to thier friends.

G_in_AL said...

btw, make the first line: "I'd bet..."

makes more sense that way.