Wednesday, November 09, 2005

French Crisis Well Covered By Blogosphere

The events in France the past two weeks have been pretty much the big story. Maybe the MSM doesn't think so, but it is.

We all understand that there are a lot important things going on right now that deserve coverage, like the handful of off-year elections; and there are some things that aren't really so important in the larger scope of things, like Plamegate. But honestly, this story has to be at the forefront, due to its potential far-reaching effects.

The past few years we have heard about how France is this and France is that, they have gotten a lot free (with most of it favorable) exposure from the left, since Bush has been President. They have had a real lovefest. But now, when the Grand Dame of Old Europe is in crisis, the coverage is not as in depth, as you'd think it would be.

But the blogosphere has exploded, with lots of news and commentary on the situation, and some of it is pretty darned good.
Here are a few I have come across in my readings:

Gandalf at
Up Pompeii talks about the French Intafada and who the boss in France is.

Always On Watch has some thoughts and some good links to follow.

EU Rota has some quotes from the French left, as well as several other pieces on this. Click into the main page and start scrolling, you will find them.

Do that at
Gindy's too. He has a lot of links.

Jason at
Liberty and Culture even defends France.

G at The Road To Middle America weigh in with some comments and quotes. Check his site out if you want to argue with leftists, he has a few that leave comments from time to time.

Kender, a contributor at The Wide Awakes has a great article, check his site out also, Kender's Musings.

McQ at Q and O Online Magazine does what he does best and opens a can of worms with his post.

These are a few of the sites that I visit that have something interesting but one major liberal site for some reason does not have one single post on the French crisis, that I can find. The Daily Kos. Very interesting, wouldn't you say?


Leslie Bates said...

Truth is a thoughtcrime over at the Daily Kos.

LA Sunset said...

It has since I have been acquainted with it.