Thursday, November 10, 2005

Bush Approval Ratings Continue To Dip

Real Clear Politics has the latest poll averages for most (if not all) major polls, on the President's job approval ratings.

(Hat Tip for this link goes to Powerpundit.)

For the week of 11/3-11/9, they are as follows:
APPROVE - 38.5%


Not good, but let's put this into perspective.

The left can use this all they want (and they are) and it's fair game, because if the ratings were high, you can bet the GOP would tout them. That's just politics, as usual. That component always has been and always will be there.

Now let's consider the case of one, Harry S. Truman. The very name when mentioned will draw favorable reviews from many Democrats and Republicans, alike. "Give 'em Hell" Harry may have been a man of steely resolve and unusal candor, but his job approval ratings were 25%, during the Korean War. The impact of his presidency was never really felt, until many years after he left office. He could have run for another term and he started out, but lost the New Hampshire primary, then bowed out. (Source: USA Today. It's an old article but history shouldn't change, right?)

So, what's this all mean?

The left can have its time in the sun. They can get their exposure on these matters, thinking that it will further their destructive agendas to discredit the President at any cost, by any means available, both fair and unfair. And then, Bush will ride off into the sunset at the end of his term, with whatever poll numbers he will have, without facing another election and travelling around with his dad and Bill, after disasters.

But at some point along the way, the Dems are going to have to come with what's known as a favorable selling point these days, called an idea. Some where along the way, the Dems will need to stop campaigning against Bush and for, a system of beliefs and values, and solutions to problems they always criticize.

So you see, the Bush approval ratings really don't mean a damned thing, do they? History judged Truman pretty favorably, once the dust of the politics disappeared and people could put it all into the proper perspective. I highly suspect the same will someday be said for George W. Bush.


Esther said...

They truly don't think they NEED to come up with an idea! I swear -- they think just defeating the republicans' ideas are enough. I've this convo with a pal who works for pelosi til i'm blue in the face. They don't think they need to! Unreal.

All_I_Can_Stands said...

I have asked on lefty blogs ad nauseum and they will not give one positive point about the Dems. One person asked for my list of positive agenda points which I readily gave. He then criticized mine and said they would run on the antithesis of my ideas. What a low hanging curve ball.

Have you noticed they aren't that bright in the leftist blogosphere? Name calling seems to be the pinnacle of their intellectual achievement.

LA Sunset said...

They do come up with some great names, don't they?

Leslie Bates said...

They have an idea, it is to replace the society of social and economic consent that we live in with the social and economic primacy of the parasites over the productive. Or as their primary philosophical source (and founding trustifarian) put it, "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs." And as there is no limit to the needs of the parasite masters there will be no limit on the burdens imposed on the productive slaves.

Poison is poison no matter how much grape flavoring one adds to it. They cannot avoid knowing that their ideal society is toxic to us and thus have no effective choice but to attack the opposition on trivial issues in order to head off a public examination of their basic ideological premises.

Political ideology is basically a means of giving the appearance of positive virtue to actions that are morally intolerable to the victims.