Sunday, September 25, 2005

Bill Richardson: Lee Mistreated

Click on the title for the complete AP story about New Mexico Governor and former Energy Secretary under president Clinton Bill Richardson's comments, about the treatment former Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee received during the time he was being held in custody, on charges of mishandling nuclear information.

SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) -- A former Los Alamos National Laboratory scientist who was held in solitary confinement for nine months was "badly treated," Gov. Bill Richardson acknowledges in his new autobiography.

Richardson was former President Clinton's energy secretary when Wen Ho Lee was indicted in 1999 on 59 counts alleging he mishandled nuclear information.

Lee was released in September 2000 after pleading guilty to a single felony count and received an apology from the judge who released him.

"As for Lee, he committed a crime, but he also was badly treated," Richardson wrote in "Between Worlds: The Making of an American Life," due out Nov. 3.

I know. You leftists don't even have to say a word.

It's Bush's fault.

Never mind that Clinton was President, it was still Bush's fault. If only George Bush would have run in 1996 and beaten Clinton, he could prevented it. But since he didn't, it's Bush's fault. If George hadn't been on his ranch in Texas planning the WTC attack, the Iraq War, and Hurricane Katrina, he could have stopped it dead in its tracks. Yes sir, it's all on the him, he is to blame.


Anonymous said...

Yes, it is all Bush's fault. But to be fair, the problem is genetic. You see, when the elder Bush was but a mere 19 year old Navy Ensign, he started World War II. So GW's problem is really one that has been passed on to him through the DNA structure of the Bush family. Jeb Bush is actually the owner/operator of the hurricane machine.

Now it so happens that you can see a similar but unrelated anomaly on the other side of the family -- you know, the folks to make Bush's baked beans. In this case, Golden Retrievers can talk and they're always trying to tell everyone the family's secrets -- which of course means that they have to be eliminated from time to time.

Let this be a warning to anyone who wants to talk openly about the hurricane machine . . .

LA Sunset said...

Thanks Mustang, that clarifies things a little. But what I really want to know, is why Bush is making these damned word verication codes longer and longer? ;)

G_in_AL said...

You know what is going to be something of historical note, at least from an academic standpoint:

Why exactly the modern left hates Bush so much. I know all the right's talking points about why, but the real reason is still illusive.

I still cant figure out the actual reason for the intense hatred that is burning on the far left. I have yet to get an answer from someone on the left yet either.

LA Sunset said...


I am sure there are others, but I would have to say, power. GW has it, they don't. They don't have the Congress either, so that, in of itself, makes it even worse.


Who knows?