Monday, September 12, 2005

Knock, Knock. Who's There? Opportunity.

Click on the title for a link to a recent Op-Ed piece by Wesley Pruden of the Washington Times entitled, "Opportunity knocks for the knockers.".
For those of you that don't know, Pruden is the editor in chief. He usually hits his target very accurately and this editorial is no exception.

Here is one part that stands out:

Unless we're all jerks, we all stand humiliated for what the televised acts of a miserable few over the past fortnight have told the world about us, portraying us as a nation of whining, churlish ingrates and opportunists, or worse, eager to exploit the suffering of others.

From the way the MSM has portrayed this to the world, we are both.

There is that whining, immature, spoiled brat element that always looks to blame anyone and everyone that does not give them their way. To put it in a metaphor, one could use the class tattler as a prime example from your elementary school days. You know the type, the ultra-self righteous spoiled little snert that threatened to tattle for every little thing. He/she spent all of his/her free time trying to gather dirt on his/her classmates, for the sole purpose of gaining the upperhand in things and favor with the teacher.

Then, there is that ultra low-life, bottom feeding element that will use any opportunity to gain the upper hand and will not rule out outright deceits and lies, to do it. They are the type that truly believe, the end justifies the means, and will stop at nothing to destroy their enemies, even if they destroy their country in the process. It should come as no surprise when these people, purposely use a tragedy to do it.

One can ignore the screaming little brat standing in the corner throwing a temper tantrum much easier, than the belly crawling snake.

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