Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Other Perpsectives On Katrina And The Aftermath

Since the media and the blogosphere has been saturated with tv and radio coverage/articles and posts, about Katrina, it is hard to keep up with everything written, shown, or said. The following is a list of some of the many articles and posts, I have read over the last week or so. These people are brilliant thinkers brilliant writers, and have offered perspectives that just can't be offered all in one post, or by one person.

I highly recommend each one.

Eclipse Ramblings: The Blame Game Sen. Landrieu May Have To Punch The President-Literally

In the Middle of America: Katrina Victims Enticed to Forget Government Failure

EU Rota: EU: The Best and Worst of Europe

Liberty And Culture: The MSM on Katrina

PolitaKid: New Orleans Hospital Murders Patient Who's "Too Fat"

The Quietist: 09/01/2005 - 09/30/2005

Confederate Yankee: Nagin Rolls Over On Blanco

Eject Eject Eject-Bill Whittle: Tribes
(Hat Tip on this one from my good friend Mustang at Social Sense)

Brussels Journal: How Katrina Will Affect Europe
(Hat Tip to Shah at Global American Discourse)

How could I overlook VARepublicman at
Flaming Duck: 20/20 Hindsight is Perfect


VARepublicMan said...

Thanks for the link but my little post pales when compared to the others in your lineup! Good stuff!

BTW, I will try to write something soon on Katrina. I like to let popular subjects die down somewhat. That way I know that I am writing something that's relevant and unique. If I jump in too soon, my comments sound like everyone else's.

LA Sunset said...

What you say in the matter of local disaster planning is highly relevent and many times more poignant than the idiots that are getting the sound bites, right about now.

Never forget that.

I just left a comment on another blog concerning Gen Honore, something to the effect of:

He says more with far fewer words than many a college thesis.

It doesn't take many words to inspire, inform, or encourage; as long as those words are the truth.

VARepublicMan said...

I posted what I was comfortable writing on the Flaming Duck. Tell me what you think.