Saturday, September 03, 2005

It's Bush's Fault

Click on the title for the complete piece by one of the few sensible writers at the Huffington Post, Danielle Crittenden.

What will the left NOT blame on a Republican president?Here is the condensed wisdom of the liberal media on why the Bush administration is ultimately responsible for the disaster of Hurricane Katrina:

What follows is a pretty good list of idiotic accusations by the usual batch of clowns on the left.

The leftists have proven themselves time and time again that they do not possess to the capabilities of holding intelligent debates. They contribute little and they achieve little. They do not stand for anything, yet they stand against anything, as long as it is the opposite position of President Bush.

Accusing Bush for all of the ills of the world is a strategy that lacks effectiveness and credibility, especially when the accusations are out of Galaxy X, and have no evidence to support their weak and faulty claims. The funny thing is, these ills all existed before Bush was President, they existed before he was ever born. But somehow, someway, he just has to be the culpable one. I guess they slept during history class.

Anyway, give this a read. It's not too long and she has links to support her claim. Most of you will not be the least bit surprised at the insanity, the rest will try to justify it.


Mark said...

Damn Skippy!

The democrats need to stand for something, not just against President Bush and anybody to the right of Howard Dean.

Gene said...

If you think Danielle Crittenden is "sensible" you need to get whatever it is sloshing around in your skull examined. She's a talentless hack, the least-funny "humorist" I've ever read, and her attempts to defend her conservative views are feeble. Based on her most recent column about putting Martha Stewart in charge of cleaning up after Karina, she's also an utterly loathesome human being. And a coward, too--they pulled the comments option on that post because people who lost loved ones and their homes to the floods were ripping her head off.

So you're a conservative. Congratulations, and good luck with that. But if you're going to waste your breath defending the likes of Danielle Crittenden you're in for it. You won't catch me defending Deepak Chopra or Jane Fonda--I know nonsense when I see it.