Thursday, September 08, 2005

Dean: Race Played Role In Who Survived

Click on the title for the complete AP article.

Howard Dean is at it again. It's become a game to predict just what stupid thing he will say next. Here are some of his newest unfounded accusations:
"We must ... come to terms with the ugly truth that skin color, age and economics played a deadly role in who survived and who did not," Dean said.

I have to ask. Was he born this ignorant or did he have to work on it?

Just when it seems he couldn't possibly say anything dumber, he beats his old record, just like clockwork. Whenever there is something happening he can't resist jumping in to say something that just makes him look like he never should have graduated junior high, much less medical school.

In November 2008, the day after Election Day, what do you want to bet that the Dems will all be shaking their heads in disbelief, once again? What do you want to bet that on that very same day, the MSM will once again be struggling for words as to how their beloved leftist party got shut out, once again? And they will, if they keep letting this guy speak.


LA Sunset said...


He already has the voters that believe like he does, he may be trying to hang on to them. From where I sit, he isn't raising money and he sure as hell isn't expanding anything. So, I think he is very desperate to hold on to what he already has.

VARepublicMan said...

The only way race played a role is in the minds of liberals.