Friday, September 23, 2005

Foreign Islamic Militants May Join Thailand Insurgency

Click on the title for the complete AP article.

JAKARTA, Indonesia - A veteran leader of Thailand's insurgency has issued a warning: militants from Indonesia and Arab nations might join the fight for a separate homeland if the Thai government continues a crackdown that's provoking a new generation of Muslim fighters.

In his first interview with a news organization, Lukman B. Lima told The Associated Press that violence could spread from Thailand's southern provinces to the capital unless the government accepts an offer to negotiate an end to the conflict.

Although he suggested peace talks, Lukman lashed out at the government of Thaksin Shinawatra, likening the prime minister to Stalin and Hitler.

"If the government opts to kill and kill without reason, perhaps fighters from Indonesia and Arab countries will help us because, according to Islam, real Muslims cannot just stand by when their brother Muslims are being slain," he said

The 21-month-old insurgency — in which more than 1,000 Muslims and Buddhists have been killed — is getting moral and financial support from abroad, especially from Islamic sympathizers in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia, according to Lukman. But weapons have been obtained locally and wielded by Thai Muslims, he said.

I would wager a bet that if the truth be known, there is a trail of money back to Iran, as well.

"I assure you that many among the young generation are being trained to use the weapons to defend themselves. We train them in the mountains, jungles and sometimes in villages but only inside Thailand," Lukman said.

So, does anyone still think that Islamic Jihad is not a threat to world peace? Does anyone still deny that Islam in its pure and extreme form is imperialistic by nature?

Mark this down. If Europe continues to allow the immigration of Muslims at its current rate, there will come a day, when the jihadists will bring foreign fighters to fight the French, British, Germans, and the other countries that do not cede territory to Muslims, when they are empowered enough to demand it. Whether to join the EU or not, will not be an issue.

This is one very good reason that letting Turkey join the EU, is a bad idea. A very bad idea.


G_in_AL said...

Hasnt Thailand had a pretty decent Muslim population for awhile now though?

I dont know if I am sold on a world crisis of Muslims yet. The French and Germans are still a pretty racist lot (though they wont admit it).

I think Turkey in the EU is bad for America, because it leaves us as the only "Westerner" country that isnt standing with a Mid-East muslim country in our back pocket.

Always On Watch said...

For some time, Thailand has indeed had a fairly substantial proportion of Muslims. Now the population of Muslims there has grown, and many have subscribed to militant Islam. Is that militantism inherent in Islam, or is it a result of infiltration on the part of radicals? If the answer to the first part of the question is yes, then we have a worldwide crisis on our hands. I believe that Muslims are now 25% of the earth's population. Please correct me if that statistic is incorrect.

Simple demographics may also play a part: when the population of Muslims increases, they need to spread out. In Thailand's case, spreading out would mean moving northward, into an area which is not now predominantly Muslim.

Muslims do not coexist very well with others (infidels), including Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians (I'm not mentioning Jews here because Islam has a pathological and inherent hatred of Jews)--once Muslims control the government. In this regard, the developments in Iraq will be of supreme importance.

BTW, the southern portion of the Philippines has a similar issue--or so my Phillipino friends have informed me.

LA Sunset said...


I think Thailand's Muslim population is about 4% and mostly confined to the very southern part, on the Malay peninsula. Pretty bold bunch for only being 4%, but they are the vast majority in their area.


You are pretty close, most sources I know show it at 21%. But hey, this isn't the Price Is Right. You can go over the amount and not lose a thing ;)

Always On Watch said...

I'm terrible with numbers. I was close enough, for me at least.

Thanks for the correction.