Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Man Tasered At Kerry Appearance

Here is the story in print. Here is the question/questions/rant that resulted in his microphone cut off, arrest, and subsequent tasering. Word has it that he cut in to the line and stole the microphone.

Here is the You Tube video of the arrest portion in the auditorium where the event was being held:

Here you can see the events that this video showed in the room where Kerry was appearing and the events that transpired outside of it.

Now, I have to say, I have spent a lot of time trying to convince mainstream Democrats of their need to distance themselves from the Leftist political cults that brainwash people, like this young man. He looks like a good kid that has been so negatively influenced that he was willing to make such an ugly scene, for what he believes is truth and justice. But, sadly, he fails to consider the rule of law in this country. This isn't a planned march or demonstration. This is a blatant attempt to incite a riot and nothing more.

This was a forum that was being held with a speaker that the Left rallied behind in 2004; and yet, he demonstrated no more respect for John Kerry than he probably would have for the President. Clearly this was a planned disruption and if I had to make a guess, some Leftist professor probably put him up to it.

Leftist cults are users. They use political blackmail to enforce their narrow-minded agenda and mainstream Democrats have yet to figure this out. This is evidenced by their lack of willingness to speak out against the many things that groups like MoveOn.Org and the Daily Kos are willing to do for attention, most recently the NYT General Betray Us ad. (To date, Hillary hasn't distanced herself from it, Obama hasn't either. John Edwards used his wife to do it.)

Leftist cults also use candidates and discard them when they are finished with them. It's evident here. Although he was the darling of the Left in the 04 election, they now have no use for him, despite the fact that he makes an enormous amount of irresponsible claims, just like they do. He was their saviour then, but now, he's expendable.

Why will mainstream Dems tolerate this manipulation? Because they are all scared of the clout and influence that these political "moonies" have.

So, once again, I implore all Democrats to take a good hard look this. The irresponsible comments, the chiming in with Leftist cult organization propaganda will all be your end someday, if you do not extract yourselves from this kind activity. Make no mistake, they will turn on you, if you so much as give a hint that you do not agree with their brainwashing material. Do not mistake them as being on your side, they want to overrun the Democratic Party and rule it, with intolerance and hatred for all that dare to disagree with them.

Addendum (10:50 PM):

AC says in the comment section:

Until we know more about his motivations, whether pure or staged for his own web site, etc

AC (Fore Left) may just be onto something here. Get a load of this:

Police have released the incident report detailing the Tasering of a University of Florida student during a campus forum with Sen. John Kerry Monday, and the officer who actually Tasered Andrew Meyer wrote in the report that Meyer later told police, "You didn't do anything wrong."

Police have released the incident report detailing the Tasering of a University of Florida student during a campus forum with Sen. John Kerry Monday, and the officer who actually Tasered Andrew Meyer wrote in the report that Meyer later told police, "You didn't do anything wrong."

"As (Meyer) was escorted down stairs (at the University Auditorium) with no cameras in sight, he remained quiet, but once the cameras made their way down stairs he started screaming and yelling again," Mallo wrote.

That's not all.

Mallo was one of two officers who actually rode in the vehicle as Meyer was escorted to the Alachua County jail, and she said said he told them during the ride: "I am not mad at you guys, you didn't do anything wrong, you were just trying to do your job," according to Mallo's account.

Mallo also wrote in her report that he asked, at one point, if cameras would be present at the jail.

Like I said earlier, this is what he wanted. He wanted attention, he got it. The only thing he didn't get that he probably wanted, was a riot. His blog seems relatively new. What better way to jump start it than to get tasered, share the spotlight with OJ in the past 24 hour news cycle, and then blog about it.


Anonymous said...

Mom and dad must be proud.


LAS, I know you've probably seen this clip, but maybe you should consider a post on it. I always thought it was a bit hypocritical for certain people to cry about the alleged lack of rights for al Qaeda detainees, while simultaneously convicting US marines in the media before their trial. I wonder if the acquittal of the Marines in the Haditha case will be covered as agressively as the allegations against them were. So many questions.....


LA Sunset said...

Greg, I had heard about the exchange in passing, but didn't know the specifics. I may look into it for a post, there's probably 2-3 in there if I put my mind to it. Thanks for the tip.

A.C. McCloud said...

"They're handing me over to the government" and "they'll probably kill me". Funny stuff.

Until we know more about his motivations, whether pure or staged for his own web site, etc, I think the only issue here is the open forum question at events. They've chastised Bush for screening events but this is exactly the reason why. Nobody will remember what Kerry said.

LA Sunset said...

//Funny stuff.//

You couldn't make stuff up this funny. That's for sure. Too bad SNL won't touch something like this.

Think of the possibilities. ;)

Anonymous said...

"Don't taze me bro!"

It's the new fad. Hilarious.