Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Mainstream Media Bias Remains Evident With AP Story

Click on the title for an AP story about a statement made by the President at a news conference, earlier today. The news editors at the AP (like many others) have regularly demonstrated that they are, truly biased and have an agenda. This is expecially true in this piece on the blame game, in the Katrina disaster.

Note the headline:

Bush Takes Responsibility for Blunders

Taken at face value, one would assume that George Bush has taken full and complete responsibility for all deficiencies, uncovered in the aftermath of the worst storm to hit the U.S. mainland, in modern history. That is precisely what they want you to believe and they want you to believe it, because they have nothing better to do except cram their "hate Bush" agenda, down our collective throats. And, they did not disappoint.

But if we read further, we read what the President actually said (emphasis is mine):

"Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at ALL LEVELS of government," Bush said at a joint White House news conference with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani.

"And to the extent that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT didn't fully do ITS job right, I take responsibility. I want to know what went right and what went wrong," said Bush.

As you can plainly see, the headline is one more example of MSM bias, as evidenced by the misleading wording. But then, the readers of this blog already know that.


LA Sunset said...


They sure did. They pulled the switch during the night, I guess. Anyway, i found the story at another site and it is now the story linked to.

Thanks for the tip.

G_in_AL said...

Funny how the far left seems to think they are the "corporate media", and all on the right's side...

I think it's because they wont report on wild ass black helicopter theories about Bush knowing about 9/11 and letting it go.

LA Sunset said...


It is truly a sad cafe, isn't it?